Friday 15 October 2021

Equipment selection of organic fertilizer production line

With the increasing emphasis on environmental protection agriculture, the organic fertilizer market has entered a period of rapid development, and the organic fertilizer production line has become an investment project. However, there are many organic fertilizer equipment manufacturers. How to select the appropriate organic fertilizer production line has become the first problem encountered by investors.

Since most of the enterprises producing organic fertilizer are not traditional compound fertilizer manufacturers, but have organic resources, they have not been engaged in chemical fertilizer production before, such as sugar factories, sewage treatment plants, farms, waste treatment plants, food processing plants, etc Slaughterhouses, or newly established production plants attached to these enterprises.

The early production process of organic fertilizer and inorganic compound fertilizer was completely different. The selection of organic fertilizer production equipment will directly affect the production cost and product quality of organic fertilizer, as well as the size of production site.

Equipment composition of organic fertilizer production line

Generally speaking, the key equipment for organic fertilizer production is: first, the treatment equipment before fermentation, mainly crushing and mixing equipment; 2、 Stacking equipment for fermentation; 3、 The deep processing equipment after fermentation is mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer granulator.

Organic fertilizer production and treatment

1. The quality of raw material treatment in the early stage directly affects the subsequent production. There are many kinds of crushers for different crushing materials. For example, materials that are easy to agglomerate, long fibers, wood, etc. need different grinders.

2. In terms of fermentation process, most organic fertilizer production lines are equipped with tank stacker, which is convenient to process materials and has strong production line capacity. Of course, strip pile fermentation can be selected for small-scale organic fertilizer production process.

3. The deep processing stage after fermentation is similar to the compound fertilizer production line. This part is mainly used for granulation production, and the most important equipment is the granulator. What kind of granulator to choose depends on what kind of products to produce and what materials to add to the raw materials. We have special organic fertilizer granulator and compound fertilizer granulator, which correspond to different production materials respectively, so we should make more investigation and comparison when selecting organic fertilizer production equipment. More detailed info, go to

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