Friday 14 February 2020

How to turn cow dung into fine powder?

The Best Way To Turn Cow Dung Into Powder Fertilizer?

Everywhere there are cows, you could always be sure of merely one thing, there may also always cow manure. As beef and dairy farming intensified, industrialized and specialized, the requirement to find urgent solutions for cow dung environmental pollution problems became real. Because of this, many machines were inverted to change cow dung into powder fertilizer.

Let's think about the fact than an average beef cattle unit produces around 10.5 a lot of manure annually, and an average dairy cow unit produces a lot more than 15.4 a great deal of manure annually. To place things into perspective, a major city with 410,000 residents produces less waste than the usual single dairy farm made up of 2,500 animals. Cow dung pollution is an important global problem. In some countries, pollution from cattle manure exceeds industrial pollution. A lot of people wrongly think that animal waste is "natural" so it's not dangerous, but that may be not the case.

Fortunately, cow dung can be transformed into a great organic fertilizer powder. It has each of the nutrients plants have to thrive and it's rich in organic matter. The NPK profile of cow dung is 1% potassium, 4% nitrogen, and 2% phosphorous. The other constitutes of cow dung besides micronutrients and organic matter are various enzymes and microorganisms. To be able to convert cow dung into fertilizer, specialized machines are often needed. The fertilizer produced can vastly improve soil structure and fertility. What's more, the fertilizer can promote healthy microbial growth and stop common root diseases and rot.

Cow manure is a great organic fertilizer, but if you set fresh cow dung on the soil, the huge amounts of ammonia produced could cause a horrible odor and burn crops. Additionally, unprocessed cow dung might be full of salt, dependant upon the diet the cattle were fed, which can be not ideal for crop growth. To generate a nutritious fertilizer, cow dung has to be composed. Natural fermentation of cow dung can take a long time, but fortunately, there is now a variety of modern composting machinery available on the market made to speed up the process.

Cow dung should be fully fermented before it is actually used on agricultural soil. Otherwise, it would cause soil temperatures to enhance, which could damage crop root systems. Furthermore, fresh cow dung is full of viruses and pathogens, which may be damaging to the surrounding environment and water supplies.

To turn cow manure right into a safe organic NPK powder fertilizer, it needs to be fully decomposed. The easiest way to compost cattle waste is to invest in the very best cow dung fertilizer machines, like self-propelled compost turners, hydraulic windrow turners, and dewatering machines.

High-grade NPK compound fertilizer is on the go which is relatively cheap to generate. By producing powder fertilizer from cow dung, you can help to handle the mounting global environmental pollution problems associated with mounting animal waste. What's more, together with the right equipment, powder fertilizer may be processed further into granules or pellets. Granules are easier to store and transport. Browse the latest granulation machines to finish your cow dung fertilizer production line.

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