Tuesday 18 August 2020

Small Capacity Fertilizer Production Costs

Plant construction plan of small organic fertilizer production line

The 20000 ton small-scale organic fertilizer production equipment is a granulated organic fertilizer processing production line based on 5-8 tons organic fertilizer granulator. The production line mainly uses local animal manure and vegetable manure to ferment organic fertilizer and bio organic fertilizer. The main production process of the equipment is: fermentation + crushing + mixing + granulation + drying + cooling + screening + packaging, etc.

Organic fertilizer production line equipment

raw material

20000 tons of small organic fertilizer production line equipment can process raw materials, mainly fresh chicken, pig manure and other raw materials. It does not contain any chemical components, but the digestion capacity of chickens and pigs is poor, so only 25% of the nutrients can be consumed, while the other 75% of the nutrients in the feed are discharged together with the feces, making the dried products contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, amino acids, protein and other components.

Organic fertilizer production equipment has the following advantages

Low energy consumption, small floor area, no odor, no pollution, good ventilation, deodorization only takes 1-2 days. The organic fertilizer production line has compact structure and advanced technology. It uses harmless living bacteria preparation to treat livestock and poultry excreta, ferments under the action of various beneficial microorganisms, decomposes organic matter and releases nutrients. The bio heat and high temperature fermentation process can kill bacteria and insect eggs, remove toxins and odors, purify the environment, realize harmless, resource-based and industrialization, and stabilize product quality with low source consumption.

The 20000 ton organic fertilizer production line equipment is based on the customer's site conditions, local raw material sources, land nutrition and planting conditions to give a comprehensive plant construction plan and equipment. The equipment includes granulator (disc fertilizer granulator, organic fertilizer granulator, flat mold granulator, roller granulator), pulverizer, composter, screening machine, drying and cooling system, and packaging machine.

As the mainstream organic fertilizer production line in the market, the small organic fertilizer production line with a capacity of 20000 tons is easy to set up, and the storage and transportation distance of raw materials is relatively close. At the same time, it also avoids the disadvantages of organic fertilizer processing enterprises in small family workshops. It is the main choice of initial investment for planting enterprises and fertilizer processing enterprises.

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