Wednesday 14 October 2020

Sheep Manure Production Technology

Sheep manure is a high quality raw material of organic fertilizer, a large amount of sheep manure can be recycled. Sheep manure organic fertilizer has many advantages and rich nutrients. The manufacturing technology of organic fertilizer can realize the industrial treatment of sheep manure and improve the added value of sheep manure.

Advantages of fermented sheep manure

1. Sheep manure organic fertilizer can regulate soil temperature and enhance the function of alleviating the harm of low temperature and high temperature.

2. Sheep manure organic fertilizer has the comprehensive functions of adsorption, mixing, compound redox, ion exchange, improving soil microorganism and soil enzyme activity. It can prevent and control soil pesticide, heavy metal, organic pollutant pollution, reduce water eutrophication pollution.

3. The buffering effect of sheep manure on acid and alkali can prevent and reduce the damage of soil acid and alkali and salt, which is conducive to the prevention and control of soil degradation and desertification.

Sheep manure fermentation composting - composting turning machine

Sheep manure contains weed seeds, parasitic eggs, pathogens and so on. Fermentation composting is the first step to produce organic fertilizer. The sheep manure is mixed with agricultural waste and put into fermentation tank. The fermentation tank needs composting truck to process fermentation materials. The compost turning machine runs one to two times a day to allow the material to be fully stirred and exposed to the air. The compost turning machine is moved by a crosswise car and can in turn flip over other fermenters.

Manufacturing technology of organic fertilizer

Compost by decomposition can be refined by organic fertilizer manufacturing process. The main processing methods of high quality sheep manure organic fertilizer include grinding, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, screening and packaging. Organic fertilizer granulator is an important machine in sheep manure organic fertilizer manufacturing process. 

Organic fertilizer granulator is the key to convert compost into granules. Organic fertilizer granulator mixed sheep manure and supplementary inorganic fertilizer into single grain sheep manure to meet the nutrient requirements of high-yield crops.

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