Thursday 4 March 2021

Organic Fertilizer Production in Materials Selection

 Organic fertilizer raw material processing and fermentation skills:

(1) Fermentation with weeds and crop straw (decomposing in about 25 days)

It can be adjusted by crushing or chopping weeds and crop straws (usually 3-5cm in length) with 40% fecal water or biogas slurry. It can also be adjusted with 2% urea (46% nitrogen content) or compound fertilizer with equal nitrogen content; it can also be adjusted by adding fresh livestock manure in the weight ratio of 3:1-4:1. The compost truck will handle the fermentation on time.

Organic fertilizer fermentation machine

(2) Fermentation with pure faeces (about 20 days after decomposition)

It is suggested to add crushed (chopped) weeds and crop straw for fermentation, and adjust the moisture content of compost to about 60%. The common weight ratio of fermentation is 3:14:1. Then, the fermentation composting turnover machine mixes the materials in the process of turnover and throwing.

(3) Fermentation with faeces (decomposition after about 15 days)

After the volume of the strain is enlarged, a layer on the pen is evenly removed, stirred, and then directly stacked on the fermentation platform. Repeat. If the water content is too high, please add appropriate amount of crumbs to the pen. Dry excipients need to be adjusted.

More detailed info on organic fertilizer production, welcome to

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