Thursday 23 December 2021

Chicken manure organic fertilizer

Chicken manure organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter and various nutrients required by crops, but the nutrient content is low, which is difficult to meet the needs of crops. Therefore, the combination of chicken manure organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can provide balanced nutrients for crops and ensure crop products. In industrial production, the quality of chicken manure can also be improved by changing the composition in the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer from chicken littier.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer should be applied after deep tillage.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer is generally used as base fertilizer. The surface spraying hand goes deep into the soil with deep tillage to avoid surface spraying and reduce fertilizer waste and loss of environmental pollution. In the production and treatment of chicken manure organic fertilizer, 40-60% nitrogen fertilizer, 80% phosphorus fertilizer and 80% potassium fertilizer can be mixed with chicken manure organic fertilizer, granulated, coated with fertilizer nutrients, and then used together as base fertilizer

Chicken manure organic fertilizer should be applied together with biological fertilizer.

Biological bacteria in biological fertilizer can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in organic fertilizer, make it more conducive to the absorption of crops, decompose and transform some harmful substances in organic fertilizer, and prevent damage to organic fertilizer. Crops.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer

SX company is a fertilizer mechanism manufacturer in China. The production process of chicken manure organic fertilizer can be designed according to the site. The complete organic fertilizer production equipment can make a large amount of chicken manure produced by large-scale breeding into organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer granulator is the core of organic fertilizer processing. 

It is a fertilizer granulator that granulates nutrients containing organic matter, inorganic fertilizer and other different raw materials. In the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer, biological bacterial fertilizer is added to the raw materials, and different materials are mixed into particles through the organic fertilizer granulator to improve the overall fertilizer efficiency of chicken manure organic fertilizer.

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Roary Dryer for Efficient Fertilizer Production

Rotary dryer is the main energy consuming equipment in organic fertilizer production line. Only when the dryer reaches the operation state of high quality, high yield and low consumption, can the loss be reduced and the production income be maximized. The traditional rotary dryer has been in a low efficiency working state: low output, high energy consumption, low thermal efficiency, high water content and difficult to control.

From the perspective of the optimization of the rotary dryer itself, the efficiency of the organic fertilizer production line can be improved by improving the performance of the dryer itself.

Our factory has designed a combined lifting plate dryer, which avoids many disadvantages of the traditional rotary dryer. There are many problems in the structure of traditional drum dryer, which affect the drying effect.

The material dispersion of traditional dryer on the cross section of cylinder is low. The lifting plate installed on the dryer forms a wind tunnel on the cylinder section, and the materials are only distributed in part of the space. When the material falls, it will accumulate on the L-shaped lifting plate for a period of time. Only the surface material is in contact with hot air, and the material in the reactor cannot be in contact with hot air. Therefore, the dispersion of the material on the cross section is low and cannot be in full contact with hot air.

The traditional rotary dryer has a wind tunnel from front to back. The front and rear of the oil cylinder are equipped with lifting plates of the same specification. The wind tunnel will extend from the feed end to the tail. Some hot air cannot exchange heat and is discharged directly through the wind tunnel.

The new rotary dryer adopts a combined lifting plate, which improves the dispersion of materials on the cross section of the cylinder, reduces the front and rear wind tunnels, improves the heat transfer efficiency of fertilizer particles and reduces the energy consumption of the organic fertilizer production line.

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