Friday 17 July 2020

Fertilizer Screener Technical Design Highlights

Rotary screen is an important screening equipment in fertilizer production. In the case of wet raw materials, the screen is easily blocked. Once the screen is blocked, too much material will be returned. The sticky material on the screen will roll into snowballs.

The production efficiency is very low and the load of the motor will continue to increase. It not only wastes electricity, but also can burn down the motor.
Zhengzhou Shunxin Heavy Industry Technology Co., Ltd. installed the belt on the original rotary filter. With the rotation of the rotary screen device, the belt constantly beats the screen, and the cleaning effect of the screen is very good. The run out device is mounted on the surface of the rotary filter.

When the rotary filter rotates, the belt rotates by friction. The belt rotates continuously, jumps the screen, shakes the adhesive material on the screen, and ensures that the screen is not blocked. The length of the belt should not be too long, which will affect the effect of cleaning the screen.
Go to
for more detialed info abour our screener machine.
Rotary filter with cleaning device rotary filter with cleaning device

The rotary filter with beating device has good effect on wet raw material and is widely used in fertilizer granulation production line. It has the following advantages:

1. It can effectively prevent overload and damage of equipment due to wet raw materials sticking in the net;

2. Saving energy, not blocking the network, reducing recycling and waste, the same power consumption can produce more products;

3. The work efficiency is greatly improved, and it is not necessary to close frequently to clean the screen grid, so the output per unit time is high.

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