Thursday 16 July 2020

Mixed Fertilizer Production

How to design compound fertilizer formula and produce compound fertilizer with fertilizer equipment

Compound fertilizer formula is the core of compound fertilizer and the key of compound fertilizer production. In the production of special compound fertilizer, scientific and reasonable formula should be made first. The formula of compound fertilizer should include the following aspects.

1. The formula of compound fertilizer can meet the specific crop application requirements of nutrient form, proportion, content and special nutrient requirements (such as rice silicon).

2. The formula of compound fertilizer should fully consider the requirements of organic fertilizer level, soil nutrient level and fertilization period.

3. The basic fertilizer source for compound fertilizer selection should be reasonable for technical processing or molding, so as to make the fertilizer have good physical characteristics and prevent adverse reactions in the process of fertilizer mixing production.

4. The seed selection formula of compound fertilizer should be compatible with the recommended fertilization technology (fertilization amount, fertilization period, fertilization depth, etc.). For example, special fertilizers used for stripping are usually not or low in phosphorus.

5. The formula of special compound fertilizer must be recommended to the factory on the basis of field test to ensure its effect before formal production.

Compound fertilizer production line equipment

The factory production of compound fertilizer needs to go through the steps of proportioning, crushing, mixing and granulation. Compound fertilizer production line includes batching system, crusher, mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, etc. Before granulation, raw materials are prepared in proportion, and fertilizer and mixer are evenly mixed to ensure the accuracy of raw materials and good fertilizer effect.

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