Friday 6 November 2020

BB Fertilizer Production Tips

Compound fertilizers can be divided into two types. One is compound fertilizer. The nutrient composition of each fertilizer granule is the same as that of the whole fertilizer. In other words, the nutrient composition of each fertilizer granule of compound fertilizer can represent the total nutrient content of compound fertilizer. The other is bulk mixed fertilizer (BB fertilizer), which is mechanically mixed by various basic fertilizer granules. The nutrient composition of single grain of mixed fertilizer is not consistent with that of whole fertilizer. The mixed fertilizer is composed of fertilizer particles with different nutritional components. Therefore, in bulk mixed fertilizer, there is only granulation of basic fertilizer.

BB production equipment and processing technology

Automatic batch processing system

In the process of automatic batching, coordinated control of each proportion belt conveyor is carried out, and various fertilizers are transported to the belt conveyor according to the set proportion.

BB fertilizer mixer

BB fertilizer mixer is designed according to the characteristics of compound fertilizer plant and BB fertilizer production line. Its production efficiency can reach 1-10 tons per hour. The structure of BB fertilizer mixer uses lifting tank feeding and mixer to load materials, with little waste of material. BB fertilizer mixer is the core equipment of BB fertilizer production because of its small volume, high production efficiency and low price.

Bulk mixed fertilizer production equipment


The special compound fertilizer is packed by packing machine and mixed into bags quantitatively, which can be sold as BB fertilizer product.

Because BB fertilizer production equipment is simple, investment is low, processing cost of bulk mixed fertilizer production equipment is low, processing method is flexible, bulk mixed fertilizer can be quickly adjusted according to different formula. Especially in the United States and other regions, bulk mixed fertilizer is widely used. In the United States, the service range of BB fertilizer production equipment is usually within 10-50 km. 

When we use BB fertilizer production equipment to process chemical fertilizer, we also need to consider the local market demand to maximize the efficiency of fertilizer production. More details welcome go to

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