Monday 30 November 2020

Fertilizer Crusher Selection

Compound fertilizer has comprehensive nutrients and many kinds of nutrients. It can provide a variety of nutrients needed by crops for a long time and improve the effect of fertilization. NPK fertilizer production line adopts granulation technology to improve the physical properties of compound fertilizer. 

In the production of NPK compound fertilizer, raw material crushing is an important process, which is a necessary treatment before granulation. We need a crusher to crush super calcium phosphate, ammonium phosphate, urea, magnesium sulfate into powder. Vertical chain crusher is the best choice for NPK fertilizer production line. The structure design and practicability of the crusher fully consider the characteristics of NPK fertilizer production and meet the needs of fertilizer granulation process.

Construction of vertical chain crusher

The chain crusher designed by our factory is made of wear-resistant steel and can be disassembled quickly. One end of the chain is connected with the rotor by a quick replaceable ring fastener, and the other end of the chain is provided with a ring head made of wear-resistant steel. In order to prevent the friction between the material bonder and the body steel plate in the NPK compound fertilizer production process, polypropylene plate is used in the main lining of the crusher, which effectively reduces the cleaning difficulty. The maintenance door is located on both sides of the chain crusher body, and the staff can check and repair the condition of the machine at any time. The body and transmission are mounted on a frame made of steel sections.

Vertical chain crusher

The vertical chain crusher of compound fertilizer has high automation degree, effectively realizes the cooperation with other machines in NPK fertilizer production line, and improves the efficiency of the whole fertilizer production line. It plays an irreplaceable role in roller granulation production line, organic fertilizer production line and roller granulation production line. It has great use value and promotion value.

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