Wednesday 8 September 2021

Bio Fertilizer Production with Compost Turner

Compost dumper is an important part of bio organic fertilizer engineering. What role does it play in the fermentation of organic fertilizer. How does the bulldozer work and how does it affect the biological composting process? The working principle of compost turning of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment is introduced in detail below.

Organic matter will produce a lot of heat and consume a lot of oxygen in the fermentation process, but due to the large processing capacity and high stacking in the fermentation process. In order to fully and quickly ferment organic matter into small molecular organic matter and make beneficial bacteria more active, only the oxygen content can be increased. In this case, we have developed a set of aerobic turnover equipment in high temperature period of composting based on many years of experience in commissioning and production of organic fertilizer, which can improve the physical oxygen content in the fermentation process of bio organic fertilizer

Compost dumper is a fermentation treatment equipment developed for biological fertilizer project according to the characteristics of organic fertilizer fermentation, including walking strip dumper and trough dumper. In the process of turnover operation, the rotary machine not only discards the materials to make them contact with the air, but also has the crushing function, which greatly saves time and labor, and greatly improves the production efficiency and product quality. Organic fertilizer plant, greatly reducing the cost. The trough soil dumper has a large treatment scale, needs to be operated on a fixed fermentation tank, and can process compost in batches. When the organic fertilizer raw materials are completely rotten, they shall be completely removed from the fermentation tank, put into new materials, and send the cleaned compost to the composting yard. In order to facilitate the spraying of bacteria on materials, some auxiliary facilities can be added, such as automatic spraying device, etc.

According to the bioinorganic fertilizer standard, compost shall be aged, adjusted for nutrition and inorganic matter, processed by fertilizer granulator and sold as compound fertilizer.

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