Friday 24 September 2021

What to do in manure fermentation?

1. Requirements for fermentation raw materials

Fermentation raw materials (such as feces and other agricultural wastes) should be fresh and can not be recycled naturally.

2. Requirements for accessories

Fermentation accessories (such as straw, rice bran, etc.) should have moderate water content, strong water absorption, appropriate particle or length, and should not be too large. The addition amount shall be determined according to the moisture content of fermentation raw materials.

3. Strains should be removed

At least 50g (1 or 2) of a ton of raw materials are required for organic fertilizer fermentation strains. Considering that it can not be evenly applied on the fermentation materials, 50g of bacteria and 500g (1kg) of any raw material shall be mixed and stirred evenly, such as wheat drum, sawdust, oil dry, rice bran, etc, Then sprinkle it into the fermentation material, stir it evenly, and stack it for fermentation.

4. Adjust the fermentation water well

The water regulation of raw and auxiliary materials is the most important, which is related to the success or failure of fermentation. The moisture requirement is: after the raw and auxiliary materials are mixed, they are held together, divided into two and fall on the ground. The proportion of general auxiliary materials (such as straw, straw, etc.) is 10% ~ 30% (weight percentage of raw materials). If calculated according to the volume ratio of the two, it is generally 2 parts of raw materials and 1 part of auxiliary materials.

5. The length, width and height of fermentation pile shall meet the standards

The width, height and length of fermentation products shall not be less than 1.5m and 1m respectively.

More details, on organic fertilizer fermentation, go to

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