Monday 8 June 2020

Chemical Fertilizer VS Organic Fertilizer Granules

Chemical fertilizers, made by chemical or physical methods, contain one or more nutrients needed for the growth of crops. Also called inorganic fertilizer, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements, compound fertilizer, etc., has the characteristics of strong pertinence and quick results. There are many types of fertilizers, the most common being urea.
Organic fertilizers are formed by various animal and plant residues or metabolites after a certain processing process. It mainly includes agricultural waste, livestock and poultry manure, industrial waste, urban sludge, etc. Organic fertilizer is rich in nutrients and can improve the soil.

Fertilizer pellet machine and organic fertilizer pellet machine

Main fertilizer granulator:

Double roll granulator

The double-roll granulator has the characteristics of compact structure, good stability, good sealing, low noise, easy operation and maintenance, etc. After the new machine is launched, it has won praise from users. It has wide adaptability to raw materials such as chemical fertilizer, feed, chemical industry, especially for rare earth, metallurgy, coal and biological environmental protection. On the other hand, it is also the promotion of environmental engineering.

Disc granulator (disc granulator)

Disc pelletizers are used to make powder into balls, and are widely used in organic fertilizer plants, chemical fertilizer plants, and mining, chemical, and food industries. This machine is used for granulation processing, the appearance of granular products is beautiful, and the size of particle size is large.

Drum granulator

The drum granulator is a fertilizer granulator that can make the material form a specific shape. It is suitable for large-scale production of cold and hot fertilizer granulation production line and high and low concentration compound fertilizer production line.

Main organic fertilizer granulator:

New organic fertilizer granulator

The organic fertilizer granulator is used to granulate various organic substances after fermentation, and is crushed by conventional organic granulation before granulation. The content of organic matter can be as high as 100%, and it is made into pure organic particles, which are spherical.

Ring die granulator

The granulator is used to granulate various organic substances after fermentation, breaking the traditional organic granulation before granulation. There is no need to dry and crush raw materials before granulation. It can directly dispense cylindrical particles and save a lot of energy.

New two-in-one organic fertilizer granulator

The machine can not only granulate a variety of organic matter, especially the crude fiber raw materials that are difficult to granulate with conventional equipment, such as crop straw, wine residue, mushroom residue, medicinal residue, animal feces, etc. It can granulate compound fertilizer. Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can be mixed and granulated.

Why organic fertilizer is so popular

Organic fertilizer can improve the damage of the soil, because the organic elements contained in it can restore the vitality of the soil. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers will destroy the soil structure and cause great harm to the soil.
Organic fertilizer improves the plant's resistance to diseases and insect pests, while chemical fertilizer is a single microbial population, prone to diseases and insect pests.
The main equipment of the organic fertilizer production line are: stacker, crusher, screening machine, mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, packaging machine.

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