Wednesday 10 June 2020

Machine Selection Tips

How to choose the right fertilizer turning machine for composting

Fatty fin fish is mainly used for fertilizer fermentation on the farm. The crushed straw and livestock manure need to be fermented to kill a large number of animal feces bacteria, parasites, etc., so as to transform the compost raw materials and shorten the composting time. It is suitable for the mechanism and technological requirements of microbial fermentation of livestock and poultry manure. It can effectively mix fertilizers with microbial preparations and plant straws to create a good aerobic environment for raw material fermentation.
Under this loose material condition, livestock and poultry manure can be heated for 2 days, deodorized for 3 days, and fertilized for about 15 days, effectively preventing the generation of harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and amine gas during fermentation, that is, environmental protection and good Bio-organic fertilizer production.

Material pile compost turning machine

The pile turning machine adopts a pile-type ground fermentation process and uses a soft-start steering clutch. The hydraulic push plate does not require manual stacking of raw materials. The use of drum-type hydraulic lifting can greatly save space, time, diesel and manpower, and shorten the fermentation cycle.
It is suitable for small batch production turnover of organic fertilizer, with good economic benefits and low investment.

Simple stacker

It is suitable for aerobic fermentation and can be used in conjunction with solar fermentation chambers, fermentation tanks and mobile machinery. It can be used with mobile machines to realize the function of multiple slots of a machine. The fermentation tank can be discharged continuously or intermittently, with high efficiency, stable operation, firm and durable, and even spreading.
The centralized control of the control cabinet can realize manual or automatic control functions, the electric shovel is durable, the material has a certain number of crushing and mixing functions, and the limit travel switch can play a safety and limit role.
The stacker has high efficiency, stable operation, firmness and durability, and even toss. Widely welcomed by customers, it is the best lathe that our company sells.
How to choose the right fertilizer applicator
Twin-screw compost truck


. Stirring in raw material conditioning.
. Adjust the temperature of the material stack.
. Improve the permeability of the raw material pile.
. Adjust the water in the raw material pile.
. Realize the special requirements of the composting process.
The screw type compost turning machine is suitable for mass production of organic fertilizer and has economies of scale.

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