Wednesday 17 June 2020

Pig Manure Disposal

Processing technology of organic fertilizer equipment for pig manure

Organic fertilizer production equipment can use organic fertilizer for harmless treatment of pig manure and other animal waste, high organic matter content, reduce the pollution of farm waste discharge to the environment.
large scale turner machine for composting pig manure

Pig manure organic fertilizer fermentation

The collection of pig manure from the farm, stacked in a fermenter, the collection of attention to the water content of pig manure, generally 40% to 50% is appropriate. Add cotton, wood chips, canola, corn bran and other accessories (prior by straw shredder treatment), the amount of addition is generally 45%-50% of the weight of pig manure, accessories and pig manure fully mixed evenly. During the fermentation of pig manure, microbiological agents are added proportionally and dumped every two or three days. The maximum moisture content in fermentation process is 60%-70%. The temperature of fermentation is low, the intermediate temperature can be up to 60 degrees C, and the temperature is reduced in the later period. Fermentation is 20-30 days in summer and longer in winter.

Organic fertilizer equipment for pig manure

Pre-treatment of organic fertilizer production of pig manure

Fermented pig manure is crushed with a semi-wet material shredder. Use a roller sieve machine to sift out the crushed organic fertilizer powder and prepare processing raw materials. Other nutrients are formulated according to the needs of organic fertilizer and the selected pig manure organic fertilizer is mixed with other nutrients.

Pig manure organic fertilizer granulation processing equipment

Make a compound organic fertilizer into a granular form. There are different types of granulators. According to the needs, the choice of disc granulator, new organic fertilizer granulation machine, roller granulation machine and other granulators, after drying and cooling, can be packaged into commodity organic fertilizer.

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