Saturday 31 October 2020

Disc Granulation Plant for Organic Fertilizer Production

Disc granulator is a kind of fertilizer granulator which produces organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer by granulation method. The raw material of the granulator has strong applicability. Animal manure, rice straw and other organic materials can be granulated through this device. The fermentation of livestock manure and other wastes is the main raw material for organic fertilizer production. They can be combined with inorganic fertilizers to produce high nutrient and long-term commercial organic compound fertilizers.

Due to the diversity and complexity of raw materials, special attention must be paid to the rotating speed of disc, the inclination angle of disc and the diameter of sprinkler in the production of organic compound fertilizer. Only by adjusting these parameters can the particles be well formed. At the same time, in the production line of organic fertilizer, special attention should be paid to the influence of water content on granulation rate and compressive strength of particles, because organic fertilizer has strong water absorption and looseness, so the impact on granulation will be greater. In order to improve the product quality of organic fertilizer production line, it is necessary to ensure the particle quality of pan granulator.

Before the production line of organic fertilizer is put into operation, it is necessary to conduct test first to find out the proper disc angle, rotation speed and moisture content in the process of Pan making, and determine the reasonable operation state of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer.

Fertilizer granulator of disc granulator

Organic inorganic compound fertilizer contains organic fertilizer, which not only has the advantages of rapid inorganic fertilizer efficiency, but also has the characteristics of soil improvement and long efficiency of organic fertilizer. Disc granulator has the advantages of intuitive operation and simple production line. It is a widely used fertilizer granulator.

Friday 30 October 2020

Double Roller Granulator Installation Guides

 Guide for installation and commissioning of organic fertilizer double roller granulator

1. Installation:

After arriving at the plant, the drum extrusion organic fertilizer granulator will be installed with granulator as the main machine. According to the number of units and the organic fertilizer manufacturing process flow chart, the elevation and horizontal position are found. There are corner holes in the frame, which can be installed on the concrete (the solid vibration is not large, and a very solid concrete foundation is not required).

Guide for installation and commissioning of organic fertilizer double roller granulator

2. Debugging:

Our double roller granulator has been debugged before delivery, but it still needs to be adjusted after trial.

(1) Adjust the press roll clearance

In the production process, it is sometimes necessary to increase data output or data biting angle. In this case, the distance between the two compression shafts can be increased and the clearance between the drive shaft roller and the drive shaft can be increased.

The steps are as follows: stop the roller granulator, remove the frame above the two bearing blocks, adjust the adjusting plate between the two bearing blocks to the required thickness, prevent the roller collision between the two rollers, and maintain a minimum clearance of 0.3-1 mm. Go here for details.

(2) Ball and socket alignment adjustment

The ball and socket are formed by pits on the surface of the main roller, so there are problems of axial alignment and circumferential alignment.

Axial alignment has been adjusted during installation. Generally speaking, the possibility of adjustment is very small. When adjustment is required, tighten or loosen the seal rings on both sides of the passive bearing housing to push the displacement of the eccentric sleeve corresponding to the roller of the drive shaft.

Align the circumference. The steps of circumferential alignment are as follows: loosen the 6 connecting bolts of the drive gear and the adjusting sleeve, so that the adjusting sleeve and the driving gear are slightly separated. Since a spherical and socket adjustment is considered in the design and two adjusting bolts are provided, the deviation can be adjusted no matter the deviation is too large. As the ball sleeve of the double roller granulator is too small, the paperboard is placed between the two rollers during the adjustment process. After scrolling, you can see whether the adjustment has achieved the goal. After alignment, tighten the 8 connecting bolts.

Friday 16 October 2020

Organic Fertilizer Granulation Process

Urban pollutants and wastes are increasing. The production line of organic fertilizer recycles solid waste resources, which makes manure and agricultural straw into organic fertilizer. Manure is mainly produced by composting and granulation. Composting is the harmless treatment of raw materials by fermentation turning equipment. Granulation is the transformation of organic fertilizer into granular products, which is the key to the quality of organic fertilizer products.

Granulation requires a complete organic fertilizer production line equipment, with granulator as the core, including grinding, batch processing, mixing, drying, screening, cooling and other processes. Organic manure granulator is the core equipment in fertiliaer granulation. The processing method is: how to produce organic fertilizer with fertilizer equipment.

Function of organic manure granulator

Organic manure granulator can reuse a lot of useless solid waste to avoid occupying too much space and prevent bacteria in manure from happening for a long time. Using organic manure granulator to produce organic fertilizer can reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, reduce pollution and promote ecological harmony. Organic waste contains a lot of pathogens and insect eggs. If not treated in time, pathogens can be transmitted. Organic fertilizer is a kind of slow effect fertilizer. After a large number of animal and plant residues, excrement and biological waste are completely decomposed, the domestic waste can be returned to the land in another form.

Solid waste from organic fertilizer production

Therefore, solid pollutants can be converted into organic fertilizer through the production machine of organic manure particles. Rational use of organic fertilizer can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also reduce chemical fertilizer input and alleviate the increasingly serious energy crisis. Organic manure granule manufacturing machine promotes agricultural product safety, green production and ecological environment protection from the source.

Small chemical fertilizer plant project machine configurations

Traditional organic fertilizer can promote crop yield, improve quality and soil quality, but this simple organic fertilizer has the disadvantages of low fertilizer efficiency, low nutrient content, large amount of labor and poor yield increasing effect.

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Although chemical fertilizer has the advantages of rapid yield increase, high nutrient content and low consumption, excessive application of chemical fertilizer has caused problems such as high cost of grain production, soil quality degradation and serious agricultural non-point source pollution. 

Therefore, how to apply fertilizer reasonably, improve crop yield, maintain and improve soil fertility, has been a long-term concern.

Long term application of organic and inorganic fertilizers can better maintain and improve crop yield and soil fertility. The project of organic fertilizer production line is designed, which can combine organic fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer. Uniform organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer raw materials are granulated by extrusion granulation mechanism. The shape ensures that all nutrients are mixed together so that they work in the soil at the same time.

2 tons per hour small organic inorganic compound fertilizer production line

The production capacity of the organic-inorganic compound fertilizer production line can reach 2 tons per hour, which is suitable for small chemical fertilizer plants. Multiple silo batching systems mix all raw materials in proportion and then feed the raw materials into the sand particles. The multi silo weighing and batching system can complete the automatic preparation of various raw materials, accurate and in line with the formula requirements. The multi silo weighing and batching system is suitable for small chemical fertilizer plants. An organic fertilizer extruder compresses a uniform mixture of raw materials into granules. Organic fertilizer is granulated by physical extrusion. The production process of the extruder does not need the treatment of drying and cooling system. It is very energy-saving and saves a lot of production costs.

Organic inorganic compound fertilizer production line with organic fertilizer extruder

The project of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer production line combines organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, and considers the balance of NPK and other nutrients. It is a comprehensive and efficient fertilizer.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Sheep Manure Production Technology

Sheep manure is a high quality raw material of organic fertilizer, a large amount of sheep manure can be recycled. Sheep manure organic fertilizer has many advantages and rich nutrients. The manufacturing technology of organic fertilizer can realize the industrial treatment of sheep manure and improve the added value of sheep manure.

Advantages of fermented sheep manure

1. Sheep manure organic fertilizer can regulate soil temperature and enhance the function of alleviating the harm of low temperature and high temperature.

2. Sheep manure organic fertilizer has the comprehensive functions of adsorption, mixing, compound redox, ion exchange, improving soil microorganism and soil enzyme activity. It can prevent and control soil pesticide, heavy metal, organic pollutant pollution, reduce water eutrophication pollution.

3. The buffering effect of sheep manure on acid and alkali can prevent and reduce the damage of soil acid and alkali and salt, which is conducive to the prevention and control of soil degradation and desertification.

Sheep manure fermentation composting - composting turning machine

Sheep manure contains weed seeds, parasitic eggs, pathogens and so on. Fermentation composting is the first step to produce organic fertilizer. The sheep manure is mixed with agricultural waste and put into fermentation tank. The fermentation tank needs composting truck to process fermentation materials. The compost turning machine runs one to two times a day to allow the material to be fully stirred and exposed to the air. The compost turning machine is moved by a crosswise car and can in turn flip over other fermenters.

Manufacturing technology of organic fertilizer

Compost by decomposition can be refined by organic fertilizer manufacturing process. The main processing methods of high quality sheep manure organic fertilizer include grinding, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, screening and packaging. Organic fertilizer granulator is an important machine in sheep manure organic fertilizer manufacturing process. 

Organic fertilizer granulator is the key to convert compost into granules. Organic fertilizer granulator mixed sheep manure and supplementary inorganic fertilizer into single grain sheep manure to meet the nutrient requirements of high-yield crops.

Double Roller Granulator Installation

1. Installation:

After arriving at the plant, the drum extrusion organic fertilizer granulator will be installed with granulator as the main machine. According to the number of units and the organic fertilizer manufacturing process flow chart, the elevation and horizontal position are found. There are corner holes in the frame, which can be installed on the concrete (the solid vibration is not large, and a very solid concrete foundation is not required).

double roller granulator from SX

2. Debugging:

Our double roller granulator has been debugged before delivery, but it still needs to be adjusted after trial.

(1) Adjust the press roll clearance

In the production process, it is sometimes necessary to increase data output or data biting angle. In this case, the distance between the two compression shafts can be increased and the clearance between the drive shaft roller and the drive shaft can be increased.

The steps are as follows: stop the roller granulator, remove the frame above the two bearing blocks, adjust the adjusting plate between the two bearing blocks to the required thickness, prevent the roller collision between the two rollers, and maintain a minimum clearance of 0.3-1 mm.

Specifications of the roller granulator, welcome to

(2) Ball and socket alignment adjustment

The ball and socket are formed by pits on the surface of the main roller, so there are problems of axial alignment and circumferential alignment.

Axial alignment has been adjusted during installation. Generally speaking, the possibility of adjustment is very small. When adjustment is required, tighten or loosen the seal rings on both sides of the passive bearing housing to push the displacement of the eccentric sleeve corresponding to the roller of the drive shaft.

Go our web for the manin structure of the extrusion granulator.

Align the circumference. The steps of circumferential alignment are as follows: loosen the 6 connecting bolts of the drive gear and the adjusting sleeve, so that the adjusting sleeve and the driving gear are slightly separated. Since a spherical and socket adjustment is considered in the design and two adjusting bolts are provided, the deviation can be adjusted no matter the deviation is too large. As the ball sleeve of the double roller granulator is too small, the paperboard is placed between the two rollers during the adjustment process. After scrolling, you can see whether the adjustment has achieved the goal. After alignment, tighten the 8 connecting bolts.

We provide NPK fertilizer granulator equipment, users can get professional engineer's guidance after purchasing the equipment, we provide help in installation.

Monday 12 October 2020

Machines for Fertilizer Production

Organic fertilizer contains a variety of trace elements, including all the nutrients needed for plant life. In organic fertilizer, we can find all these nutrients, and their nutrition combination is very reasonable. But we can't find them in all the fertilizers. Therefore, organic fertilizer is an indispensable part of agricultural production, organic fertilizer manufacturing machine is very important.

Demand of organic fertilizer for agricultural production

Organic fertilizer is the only material basis to maintain soil fertility and soil health, while chemical fertilizer is far behind. Chemical fertilizer is regarded as opium by ecological farmers. With the increase of chemical fertilizer application, the quality and yield of crops decreased. Organic fertilizer has become the only soil conditioner to solve the problems of nutrient imbalance, soil hardening and microbial damage caused by excessive use of chemical fertilizer.

How to make organic fertilizer at lower cost? SX can help you.

We have a complete set of organic fertilizer equipment production process, drum granulator, disc granulator, flat mold granulator, organic fertilizer turntable and other production lines, the scale of which ranges from 2000 tons to 100000 tons per year. Different production equipment and technologies can be provided for different customer sizes and various raw materials (such as livestock manure, straw and sludge).

Sunday 11 October 2020

NPK Granulation Tech

Granulation technology of NPK fertilizer production line with rotary drum granulator

Rotary drum granulator is the main granulating equipment of NPK fertilizer production line. It uses powder composition and agglomeration granulation method to make NPK compound fertilizer molding. The drum granulator developed by our factory adopts a new generation granulation technology, which improves the formation rate of compound fertilizer granules and the qualified rate of primary granulation.

NPK Fertilizer Granulation Plant

Rotary drum granulator

The rotary drum granulator can make NPK compound fertilizer into granules, which is easy to store and release, thus greatly prolonging the fertilizer utilization rate of organic fertilizer. The drum granulator is suitable for cold and hot granulation. It uses aggregate wet granulation, and adds a certain amount of water or steam to the cylinder, so that the extrusion force between the material particles can be condensed into a ball.

Granulation technology of NPK fertilizer production line

In order to improve the granulation performance of rotary drum granulator, we improved the drying process of NPK fertilizer production line after granulation. It can shorten the drying time of fertilizer production, minimize the damage of compound fertilizer particles in the drying process, and increase the numNPK Granulation Tech

For NPK fertilizer granulation, the quality of granulation particle size depends on the proportion and feedback granularity to a certain extent. Compound granulation usually needs batch quality, and the quality of returned materials is the key to control the production of rotary drum granulator. On the basis of ensuring nutrients, the quality of returned materials mainly depends on the size and distribution of returned materials. In order to ensure the quality of returned materials, we set up chain crusher in NPK fertilizer production line.

The chain crusher will re crush the unqualified returned materials, and the crushed powder can meet the granulation requirements of the rotary drum granulator.