Tuesday 12 January 2021

Bio Fertilizer Granulation Process

Bio organic fertilizer granulator basis

Bio organic fertilizer granulator is also a new type of organic fertilizer granulator, which has been widely used in the world. some time? It needs to be discussed.

Future development direction

Future development direction of bio organic fertilizer granulator: with the continuous development of bio organic fertilizer granulator, it has begun to play a role in agricultural production, and has produced certain economic benefits.

Transformation from single strain to compound strain

Transformation from single strain to compound strain: in this transformation process, one method is to pursue the application of multi-functional combined bacterial biological fertilizer, so as to further improve one or more characteristics of the strain from the original level. Avoid the interaction of complex or joint flora, and play mutual reciprocity and synergy. The second is to extend the survival time of microorganisms in the soil, and constantly extend the validity period of fertilizer. Therefore, the substances that can decompose carbonaceous compounds can be added to biological fertilizer to prolong the survival time of microorganisms in soil.

Simple biological preparation

It changes from simple biological preparation to compound biological fertilizer: from simple microbial preparation to biological microbial preparation, nutrient elements, organic fertilizer, etc. This transformation can realize the combination of biological fertilizer and medicine, and enhance the multi-function of fertilizer. In addition, the fertilizer granulator has also been transformed, and on the basis of the new organic fertilizer granulator, the fertilizer granulator is designed. The two in one organic fertilizer granulator can also be used to produce organic fertilizer granulator. This is a new improvement of pelletizer for bio organic fertilizer production.

With the continuous development of fertilizer manufacturing technology, new fertilizer granulators are also designed to produce high-quality fertilizer granulators. Therefore, both bio organic fertilizer granulators and compound fertilizer granulators are constantly developing. More details in bio fertilizer granulator, go here.

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