Monday 25 January 2021

Guide to Make Compost for Beginners

In order to manufacture organic fertilizer granulator or compound fertilizer, fertilizer manufacturing process can be used to manufacture fertilizer. There is another type of fertilizer called compost fertilizer, so how to use fertilizer manufacturing technology for composting?

What is compost? Composting is through the use of crop straw, weeds, leaves, green manure, peas, river mud, garbage and other wastes as the main raw materials, and then add them to the manure and urine for accumulation or washing. Under certain temperature, humidity, C / N ratio and ventilation conditions, the occurrence of bacteria and Cordyceps was prevented by artificially controlling the biochemical transformation of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and weed seeds in feces.

When using the organic fertilizer production process to produce organic fertilizer, it is necessary to compost the raw materials first, and then use the granulator to make the organic fertilizer granulator.

Composting conditions:

1. Moisture: the suitable moisture content of compost is 60% - 70% of the wet weight of raw materials. It is better to squeeze out a little liquid when holding it by hand and adjust it with straw. There should not be too much water during heating. Excessive water consumption at high temperature. It should be supplemented in time. In the cooling and post ripening stage, water should be increased to facilitate the accumulation of humus. Choose machines for quality and efficient composting go to

2. Ventilation. Keeping the right amount of air is conducive to the reproduction and activity of aerobic microorganisms and the decomposition of organic matter. If the ventilation is too strong, aerobic microorganisms spread too fast, organic matter decomposition is very large, humus coefficient is low, and nitrogen loss is large. In general, it is necessary to create more adverse conditions at the initial stage of stacking to promote humus formation and reduce nutrient loss. The proper ventilation can be adjusted by controlling the moisture in the material and sealing. Stack, set up ventilation ditch or ventilation tube, turn over stack, etc.

3. The size of composting materials. Because microorganisms usually move on the surface of organic particles, reducing the viscosity of particles and increasing the surface area will promote the activity of microorganisms and accelerate the composting speed; in addition, if the raw material is too thin, it will hinder the flow of air in the stack layer, reduce the amount of oxygen available in the stack layer, and then slow down the microbial activity. In order to speed up the fermentation process, it is necessary to make the compost size under the premise of air permeability.

When making compost, using fermentation technology and fermentation composter can improve work efficiency and save more time to make compost. Compost can be used in many situations.

More types of fertilizer machines are designed to manufacture different types of fertilizers, for example, fertilizer granulators are equipped in a complete fertilizer production line to manufacture fertilizer granulators. The fertilizer mixer is equipped in the fertilizer production line to make fertilizer granulator by mixing raw material uniformity and other series of fertilizer machines. If you want to know more about fertilizer manufacturing technology or fertilizer machine, please leave us a message and we will serve you as soon as possible.

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