Wednesday 13 January 2021

Compost Turner in Fermentation Process

In order to produce organic fertilizer granulaes, it is necessary to use the fermentation composting process equipped in the organic fertilizer manufacturing process to ferment the raw materials. Why use unfertilized organic fertilizer? What are the hazards of unfertilized organic fertilizers? The article will share the answers with you.

Organic fertilizer is a relatively comprehensive nutrient fertilizer, which is durable and can make crops grow stably. At the same time, it can also change the soil and increase the yield. It can only be provided to crops after being decomposed by microorganisms.

If the undecomposed organic fertilizer is directly applied to the soil, the fertilizer only has enough carbon source in the decomposition process, but lacks the necessary nitrogen source, which leads to the imbalance of short-term carbon nitrogen ratio. In the middle, absorb some available nitrogen from the soil to promote its own reproduction, and decompose the organic fertilizer.

In this way, it is inevitable to supply nitrogen to crops, which will lead to soil densification and affect the growth and development of crops. In addition, in the process of decomposition, due to the decomposition of microorganisms, high temperature and accumulation of a large amount of nitrogen. Organic acids and other toxic substances may affect the root growth of Cr. in severe cases, they may cause root burning and decay.

We need to share a little to make the raw materials ferment evenly. Fertilizer machine manufacturers have designed fermentation composting machines, such as composting machine, simple composting machine and other types of fermentation compost to ferment the raw materials. After decomposition and fermentation of organic fertilizer, weed seeds, eggs and bacteria can be eliminated by high temperature. Therefore, it is suggested to ferment organic fertilizer before applying it.

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