Thursday 14 January 2021

Biological fertilizer basis

Fertilizer manufacturing process to produce bio organic fertilizer

When we use the fertilizer manufacturing process to produce bio organic fertilizer, we can produce different types of bio fertilizer granulators. What is the function of bio organic fertilizer?

Biological fertilizer production line

In the production line of biological fertilizer, it is necessary to equip the bio organic fertilizer granulator with different types of fertilizer machines to manufacture the bio organic fertilizer granulator. Why to produce the bio organic fertilizer granulator? What is the function of bio organic fertilizer granulator?

Main function of biological fertilizer

Improve soil fertility

1. Improve soil fertility, which is the main function of biological fertilizer. For example, various autogenous, mixed or symbiotic nitrogen fixation biological fertilizers can fix nitrogen in the air and increase the nitrogen content in the soil; a variety of microorganisms can decompose phosphorus and potassium minerals, such as silicate bacteria, which can decompose potassium feldspar, mica and phosphate rock in the soil, making them insoluble in phosphorus and potassium.

Assist crops to absorb nutrients

2. Produce and assist crops to absorb nutrients. Some bacterial fertilizers, due to the activity of microorganisms, can not only increase the effective nutrients of soil, but also produce a variety of hormones and vitamins, thus promoting the growth of crops.

Enhance the stress resistance of plants

3. Enhance the stress resistance of plants. After inoculation, some Biofertilizers become the main bacteria in crop rhizosphere because of their mass reproduction in crop rhizosphere. They can secrete antibiotics against fungi and bacteria, thereby inhibiting the growth of ADHD bacteria.

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