Friday 30 April 2021

Pan Granulation Technology

Organic fertilizer granulator is mainly used for coarse fiber granulation, such as: sawdust, rice husk, cotton stalk, cottonseed hull, weeds and other crop straw, domestic waste, factory waste and low adhesion rate, difficult to make material granulation. It can also be used for low temperature granulation of biological bacteria fertilizer, organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer.

The technology of disc granulator is introduced

1) The treated pig manure is directly transported to the raw material bin (or raw material mixer).

2) The pig manure is transported into the disc homogenizer and evenly added into the rotating disc of the disc granulator. Sprinkle the liquid component or appropriate amount of water through the liquid component distributor of the disc granulator. On the material in the disk, the amount of liquid phase needed to form the ball is satisfied; The rotating disk and the edge of the disk produce friction and centrifugal action on the material, which makes the material move in a circle, and the powder particles rub and knead each other. Extrude and gradually gather into clusters; Due to the different mass of particles, the gravity and centrifugal action are also different. When gravity and centrifugal force increase enough to overcome the friction between particles, they are thrown out of the disk. The smaller particles remain in the disk and continue to gather fine particles.

3) It is sent to the organic fertilizer dryer for heat exchange with the heat in the hot blast stove.

4) The fine particles are directly returned to the disc homogenizer, and continue to participate in the adhesion of particles to the ball as the core.

5) It is sent to the organic fertilizer cooler, and then the fertilizer is cooled with natural cooling air or strong cooling air.

6) The large particles are transported to the finished product screening machine, then crushed by the crusher, and then returned to the disc homogenizer to continue to participate in the formation of the ball.

7) The qualified products after screening are transported to the coating machine for coating treatment.

8) Transport to automatic packing scale for weighing, packing and storage.

9) After cyclone, labyrinth and wet scrubbing, dry, cool and workshop dust are discharged.

The production of organic fertilizer by disc granulation has the following advantages

The operation is intuitive, and the operation of the equipment can be mastered at any time. If any abnormality is found, it can be adjusted in time.

The particle size is determined by the tilt angle and rotation speed of the disk, and the tilt speed and rotation speed of the disk can be adjusted. Therefore, the disc granulation process has a wide range of particle size control, strong adaptability and high pelletizing rate, up to 70% - 90%.

The disc pelletizing process of organic fertilizer has the advantages of short production process, simple structure, less investment and simple operation, which is more suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Thursday 29 April 2021

Pelletizing process for compost business

Fertilizer granulator is designed for the production of organiccompost granulator or compoundcompost granulator. In the process ofcompost production, it is necessary to design and equip in thecompost manufacturing process to complete the granulation process.

In the organiccompost production line, different types and series ofcompost machines will be equipped to complete the production process.compost granulator has the important characteristics of organiccompost granulator

1. The particles are spherical;

2. High content of organic matter, which can realize the granulation of pure organic matter;

3. Organic particles can be embedded in each other under certain force, so there is no need to add adhesive in the granulation process.

4. The particles are solid and can bescreened after granulation to reduce the consumption in the drying process.

5. The organic matter after fermentation does not need to be dried, and the moisture content of raw material is 20-40%

Plate mold granulator is usually used in biologicalcompost production line to complete the granulation process. In the production of bio organiccompost, the working mode of flat mold granulator is very important. The selected raw materials are evenly fed into the plate molding granulator, Then the cylindrical particles are extruded under the extrusion of the die. After extrusion granulation, the hardness of organiccompost particles is moderate and the shape is neat. After entering the shot blaster, the particles rotate and rub with the inner wall of the shot blaster. It has smooth shape, uniform size and easy sizing. Plate molding granulator in the process of low temperature, can better maintain the internal nutrition of raw materials. After molding, drying and cooling steps can be omitted, and finishing can be continued. After drying, cooling, screening, packaging and storage.

Fertilization equipment

The flat mold granulator has the advantages of simple operation and low energy consumption. The pelletizing production lineof flat mold organiccompost integrates fermentation and processing, with mature technology and high commercial value of organiccompost. Organiccompost products can not only provide comprehensive nutrition for crops, but also have long-termcompost effect, which can increase soil organic matter and promote microbial reproduction.

Usingcompost equipment to complete the production process ofcompost granulation process is simpler and easier to operate. At the same time, the use ofcompost equipment also improves the efficiency ofcompost production process.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Organic Composting Technology

Composting in the process of organic fertilizer production is a traditional biological method for the treatment of straw and livestock manure. Under certain conditions, it is necessary to ferment the degradable organic matter in livestock manure and straw through the action of microorganisms, and then decompose them to produce products with certain fertilizer efficiency. After continuous improvement and optimization, composting of organic fertilizer production has developed towards mechanization and commercialization, and has become one of the effective methods to treat livestock manure and straw.

Attention should be paid to the following aspects in composting fermentation during the production of organic fertilizer

(1) The moisture content of compost in the organic fertilizer production line should be 60% - 75% of the dry material, that is to say, if you hold the material tightly, there will be water droplets extrusion, indicating that the moisture content is moderate.

(2) Good ventilation should be maintained at the initial stage of composting. If necessary, aeration tower, ventilation ditch and trough composter can be set. At a later stage, the aeration tower can be removed and the ventilation ditch can be blocked. Compaction, slurry sealing and plastic cloth covering can be used to preserve nutrients and promote humus accumulation.

(3) The internal temperature of compost can be controlled between 50 ℃ and 60 ℃. When the temperature is higher than 65 ℃, the compost can be turned over or cooled by adding water to facilitate the preservation of nitrogen.

(4) The C / N ratio of compost material was 25 ∶ 1, which was favorable for microbial decomposition of organic matter. Urea can be properly added in the composting process of straw fertilizer.

(5) Control the appropriate pH value. In the composting process, 1-1.5 kg lime and other alkaline substances were added to 50 kg straw to adjust the pH value of compost to about 7.5.

Monday 26 April 2021

Duck Manure Composting Technology

The production of high-quality organic fertilizer comes from high-quality organic fertilizer raw materials and advanced organic fertilizer production technology. Cow manure, chicken manure, pig manure and duck manure can be used as a good source of organic fertilizer due to their rich nutrients.

 Then, through the production line of organic fertilizer, the seriously polluted fertilizer will be transformed into commercial organic fertilizer with beautiful appearance and good quality.

Production technology and equipment of pollution-free duck manure organic fertilizer

Duck manure organic fertilizer production process equipment takes duck manure as raw material to produce organic fertilizer, which first needs fermentation treatment. Compost fermentation was used for duck manure fermentation, and some microbial strains were added to promote the fermentation process. 

After mixing the fertilizer and bacteria evenly, stack them in the built-in fermentor. When the material rises to a certain temperature, the composting machine is used to rotate the compost to reduce the temperature, so as to facilitate the propagation of bacteria. Compared with the tank fermentation, there is no need to build a special tank, so it is more convenient to use.

From the point of view of pelleting production technology, the production equipment of duck manure organic fertilizer mainly includes mixing, pelleting, packaging and other links. Since granulation uses water crop media to bond materials together, water will be added to the mixer when fertilizer is produced. 

After the particles are produced, the material is dried to remove moisture, and then cooled to room temperature to screen out suitable particles for final packaging. Just install it.

Sunday 25 April 2021

How to avoid polution in composting?

In the process of processing organic compost, the production equipment of organic compost will produce a lot of dust. If it is not handled properly, it will cause serious dust pollution. However, our sx organic compost production line has less dust and more environmental protection, which is mainly realized by bag filter.

 Today, SX CTM heavy industry Mini editor will explain how to reduce dust and protect the environment in the organic compost production line.

How to reduce dust in organic compost production line

The equipment in the production workshopshall be completely closed at each blind spot and the exhaust pipe shall be installed. In this way, the odor and dust in the process of organic compost production can be ensured to leak out, and then the dust generated at the falling point is pumped into the bag filter by the induced draft fan. It's basically dust-free.

The interior of the bag filter consists of several bags. The dust is filtered out by the bag and the wind is discharged into the atmosphere through the bag. Each bag of bag filter is equipped with high pressure blowing device. 

Through the synchronous action of the solenoid valve and the time relay, the dust on the cloth bag can be removed immediately. Through the lower end of the discharger, the collected uniform dust is discharged into the mixer, and then the compost is recycled.

Friday 23 April 2021

Different types of windrow turners

Composting has shown to be an effective method of recycling organic wastages right into a gem, fertilizer. Agriculture defines the technique as piling of wastes which are biodegradable in windrows. The windrows appear for as long rows. Even though the procedure continues, you need to keep turning the mix to accelerate the reaction rate. It can be executed either manually or with the help of a windrow composting machine. With such an application, the approach is fantastic for sites having a massive quantity of organic wastes. With regards to small scale projects, it is a waste of resources. The ability of production is dependable in the length and height from the rows. You may shorten or elongate these to suit the type of needs that you might be having. However, it is vital so that the rows are not too low since it could take up a lot of space. If it is excessive, you could potentially face challenges when attemping to change the compost uniformly hence, the optimal height is about 4 to 7 feet, with the width being 14 to 16 ft.

Although turning the windrow yourself is fairly economical, additionally it is time-consuming, as well as the results could be contrary. Therefore, experts always advise which you use the windrow compost turners for that achievement of better results. Technology has provided a couple of machines to help in this task. The essential designs can straddle a windrow of 1.25 meters high along with a width of three.5 meters. Below are among the widely used models that provide exceptional output.

Hydraulic Windrow Compost Turner.

The hydraulic device has demonstrated to be efficient because it lets the operator provide an easy time turning the windrows efficiently. The turning parts get driven by a hydraulic system, thus the name. It functions by turning the compost uniformly to obtain the desired state in the end product. Investing in it is economical because it is versatile to work with various kinds of organic fertilizers. A number of these include wrapping materials, dense materials, and, lastly, loose materials. At the conclusion of the performance, it is possible to achieve low energy consumption operations effected in just a short period. Also, its structure enables maintenance, and then in case if malfunctions, you can get spare parts. Its approach to operations is eco friendly. The equipment is available in different variations, although the principle of operations is similar.

Self-Propelled Compost Turner.

A self-propelled compost turner is actually a device that employs the application of aerobic fermentation so that the achievement of quality organic composting. The fermentation employs oxygen, which is the accelerator of microbial activities. It comes in three models, moving, forklift and crawler. The choice that you prefer needs to align with all the capacity of production as well as your financial capability. You can also obtain it in varying sizes. The great deal of options ensures you will find a model for each and every unique need available in the market.

In order to achieve better results, you have to turn the windrows regularly. An in-depth idea of your requirements will help you in selecting an effective machine.

Thursday 22 April 2021

How to compost agricultural organic residue?

Bio organic compost is collected from large composting plants. These composting plants deal with animal manure and other agricultural organic residues. 

These plants produce about 5000-150000 tons of commercial organic compost per yearfor the production of organic compost. Organic compost is an environmental friendly compost, and its organic compost production line includes a series of processes from fermentation to packaging.

Organic manure from pig manure

Organic compost equipment is essential in organic compost production line. The series of compost machines can use simple composting machine to ferment raw materials, which will be equipped with fermentation composting machine. 

Then, compost crusher, compost mixer and compost crusher will be equipped to deal with the raw materials. We can use chain crusher and horizontal mixer to deal with organic raw materials. Next, in the production of organic compost granulator, it must be equipped with compost granulator in the compost fertilizer production process.

The production process of organic compost includes fermentation, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, coating and packaging.

Monday 19 April 2021

How to use compost machine?

After purchasing the compost fertilizer manufacturing equipment, it can be used without assembling the production line of the compost fertilizer equipment. It is necessary to carry out professional training on operating compost fertilizer equipment, so as to ensure safe production in the future. At the same time, it also needs professional maintenance personnel. Only when the equipment fails, it can be repaired immediately, and there are many ways to solve the problems that may occur in the equipment. Similarly, in the production of equipment, we must pay attention to safety, and work better under the condition of ensuring safety. When using compost fertilizer equipment, the following points should be paid attention to:

1 Master equipment performance

Be familiar with the operation method, maintenance essentials, production capacity and application scope of compostfertilizer equipment, and be familiar with the functions of all equipment controllers and alarm devices. At the same time, be sure to read the warning instructions carefully, and pay attention to that the equipment will continue to have safety accidents under low pressure, high temperature and other conditions.

2 Familiar with operation procedure

The safe production of compost fertilizerequipment for biological fertilizer production depends on the careful operation of the operator and the mastery of the technical performance of the equipment. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each operator to be familiar with and master the operation requirements of compost fertilizer equipment, hidden dangers and preventive measures at work site, and discuss these problems with the manager.

3 Check before start

Before starting the compost fertilizer equipment, please make sure that the protection device is safe and intact, check whether the oil system is normal, whether there is oil leakage, and check whether the components in the compost fertilizer equipment are firmly installed. To ensure that the device is free from any hidden danger, please start again.

After purchasing the equipment, professional operation and maintenance personnel must be provided before using the equipment. Safety is the most important thing in production, only under the condition of ensuring safety and good conditions

Monday 12 April 2021

Machine Configurations on Bio Composting

A bio compost production line is designed for the production of bio organic compost granulator. In the composting process, it is equipped with different types and series of composting equipment. Bio organic compost is a kind of organic compost containing a certain amount of functional microorganisms. It is made from livestock manure, crop straw, agricultural and sideline products and organic wastes produced by food processing.

 It is quickly deodorized by multi-functional fermentation bacteria, matured, dehydrated, and then added with functional biological bacteria. Following the principle of safe production and pollution-free green agricultural products, composting is a very promising variety. When applying bio organic compost to vegetables, mastering the correct method can achieve the best effect.

Bio compost production

In the production process of bio organic compost with sx bio composter, the main composting equipment includes:

1. Automatic batching system: the automatic batching system is mainly composed of feeding system, weighing device, material box and conveyor belt. The static batching system has the speed of Dynamic Batching and the accuracy of ordinary static batching.

2. New type of organic compost granulator: it is designed and manufactured with the new technology of wet continuous pushing granulation. This equipment can not only granulate many kinds of organic matter, especially the coarse fiber material which is difficult to granulate by conventional equipment.

3. Horizontal mixer: this series of horizontal mixer sx brand is a new generation of mixing equipment developed by our company, with high mixing degree and less residue. It is suitable for mixing organic compost and inorganic compost.

4. Roller screen: the machine adopts combined screen, which is easy to maintain and replace, simple in structure, easy to operate and stable in operation. It is an ideal equipment for the production of compound compost.

5. Conveyor: suitable for transporting bulk materials or bags in coal, metallurgy, mining, chemical industry, building materials, wharf, warehouse, construction site, etc., especially suitable for chemical composting plant, cement plant and other environments requiring manual loading, saving a lot of personnel.

6. Dryer: with beautiful appearance, simple operation, less consumables, long service life, even drying and convenient maintenance, it is an advanced compound composting drying equipment in NPK composting production process.

7. Hot blast stove: the hot blast stove adopts backwater injection technology to solve the problems of shell boiler, such as tube plate cracking, drum bottom bulging, water wall bursting, low thermal efficiency, insufficient heat supply, etc. Output, poor coal adaptability, etc

8. Packaging scale: the packaging scale is mainly composed of automatic quantitative packaging scale (composed of storage hopper, feeder, weighing bag hopper, kneading mechanism, computer control, pneumatic executive part, etc.) and optional part (conveyor, sewing machine) / heat sealing machine)

These composting equipment are designed for different types and series, and they can be equipped in different types of composting production process to complete the composting production process. Each sereis composting equipment plays a different role in different composting processes.

Friday 9 April 2021

Fertilizer Contents

NPK fertilizer should be produced and used in different industries. The production of NPK fertilizer must be designed for professional fertilizer production line to complete the production process. In the production process of NPK fertilizer, it is equipped with different types and series of fertilizer equipment. What are the functions of the three nutrients? What are the effects of the three nutrients?

In the production process of NPK fertilizer, different types and series of fertilizer equipment for npk should be equipped to complete the production process. Generally, it should be equipped with fertilizer mixer, fertilizer crusher, fertilizer granulator, etc. / in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, it should also be equipped with different types and series of materials in the fertilizer manufacturing process. Here, we share more advantages of the main materials. In this article, we share the advantages of nitrogen fertilizer.

Nitrogen fertilizer can be used: urea, CO (NH2) 2, ammonia (NH3. H2O),

Urea is the first synthetic organic substance, which exists widely in nature. For example, the content of urea in fresh human feces is 0.4%.

Alias: carbodiamine, carboxyamide, urea. Molecular formula: CO (NH2) 2, because the substance is contained in human urine, it is called urea. Urea contains 46% nitrogen (n), which is the highest nitrogen content in solid nitrogen fertilizer.

Urea is suitable for use as base fertilizer and topdressing, and sometimes as seed fertilizer. Urea is a pre conversion molecule and cannot be absorbed by the soil. Therefore, deep application of urea is necessary.

Production technology of NPK fertilizer

In addition to the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer production line to be designed, the organic fertilizer production line for the production of organic fertilizer granulator will also be designed. In the production process of different types and series of fertilizers, different types and serum fertilizer equipment are used to complete the production process in npk manufacturing.

Thursday 1 April 2021

Tips to select organic fertilizer machines

In different types of fertilizer production lines, various types of fertilizer machines are used to complete the fertilizer production process, and organic or inorganic fertilizers are produced through fertilizer manufacturing technology. But what should be paid attention to when purchasing organic fertilizer equipment?

Determine the size of organic fertilizer equipment: for example, determine how many tons per year or how many tons per hour to determine the price.

To determine the shape of the particles, you can choose granulator: powder, column, flat ball or standard garden. The common equipment of organic fertilizer granulation are: disc granulator, drum granulator, wet granulator, roller extrusion granulator, flat mold granulator and annual membrane granulator. The choice of granulator should be based on the local fertilizer market. The shape of the particles is different. The production process of different types of fertilizer is different, and the price of organic fertilizer machine is also different.

Production technology of NPK fertilizer

Determine the configuration of organic fertilizer machine: different configuration, the price of organic fertilizer machine is different, the amount of labor is different, the stability and high yield of organic fertilizer equipment is also different: Generally speaking, high configuration needs to add some automatic batching device, automatic packaging device, automatic quantitative feeding device, cyclone dust removal, water removal and dust removal.

Determine the type of fertilizer to be produced. It is a compound fertilizer with the same output that can be produced by NPK fertilizer manufacturing process, organic fertilizer equipment or fertilizer organic fertilizer equipment. The organic fertilizer equipment usually considers that the water content is high, the strain is not resistant to high temperature, and the model is usually larger than the compound fertilizer model. Generally, there are four types of organic fertilizer: pure organic fertilizer, organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, bio organic fertilizer and compound microbial fertilizer. The varieties are different. The difference in preparation is very small.

Type selection of fermentation tipping machine: the general fermentation forms include: strip fermentation, shallow tank fermentation, deep tank fermentation, tower fermentation and rotary cylinder fermentation. Different fermentation methods make different equipment for organic fertilizer fermentation. Suitable for aerobic fermentation principle (advantages of shallow tank tipper: most in line with aerobic fermentation principle, not easy to form aerobic, full fermentation, fast fermentation speed)

In the process of NPK fertilizer production, more other types of fertilizer machines are used to produce NPK compound fertilizer granulator.