Thursday 28 January 2021

Microbial Fertilizer Production Process

In recent years, the design and production of new fertilizers are constantly carried out, and the design and production of microbial fertilizers are also for agricultural production. How to use fertilizer machine manufacturing technology to produce biological fertilizer? Unreasonable use of chemical fertilizer, serious imbalance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio, soil hardening, nutrient content reduction, groundwater pollution and other issues have attracted the attention of the whole society. Microbial fertilizer has been widely concerned because of its fertility, cost saving and efficiency improvement, green environmental protection and other characteristics.

When producing microbial fertilizer, fertilizer manufacturing technology can be used to produce microbial fertilizer. In the fertilizer production line, the production of microbial fertilizer can be regarded as the production of organic fertilizer, and microbial fertilizer is also a new type of organic fertilizer. In the production of microbial fertilizer, the fertilizer manufacturing process for bio fertilizer and fertilizer machine equipped in the fertilizer production line are the same as the production of organic fertilizer or biological fertilizer.

In the production process of microbial fertilizer, we need to use fermentation composter, fertilizer mixer, fertilizer crusher, fertilizer granulator, etc. in the production of microbial fertilizer granulator, we first need to ferment raw materials. We can choose chain or semi wet material crusher to grind raw materials, and then use fertilizer mixer to mix it with other organic additives and put it into fertilizer granulator. The microbial fertilizer granulator is made, then the fertilizer dryer, cooler and fertilizer screening machine are used to process the fertilizer granulator, and finally the automatic packaging machine is used to package it.

It is not complicated to produce microorganism by fertilizer manufacturing technology. The semi-automatic machine used in fertilizer production line also improves work efficiency and saves more labor investment. Chemical fertilizer production line.

Production technology of organic fertilizer

As a manufacturer of fertilizer machinery in China, we have been producing fertilizer machinery for many years. Our products are exported to many countries. We not only produce fertilizer, but also design a complete fertilizer production line. Sometimes, different types of raw materials and different types of places will affect the design of fertilizer production line. If you want to know more about the design of fertilizer machine and fertilizer production line, you can visit our website and leave us a message. We will apply to you as soon as possible.

Monday 25 January 2021

Guide to Make Compost for Beginners

In order to manufacture organic fertilizer granulator or compound fertilizer, fertilizer manufacturing process can be used to manufacture fertilizer. There is another type of fertilizer called compost fertilizer, so how to use fertilizer manufacturing technology for composting?

What is compost? Composting is through the use of crop straw, weeds, leaves, green manure, peas, river mud, garbage and other wastes as the main raw materials, and then add them to the manure and urine for accumulation or washing. Under certain temperature, humidity, C / N ratio and ventilation conditions, the occurrence of bacteria and Cordyceps was prevented by artificially controlling the biochemical transformation of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and weed seeds in feces.

When using the organic fertilizer production process to produce organic fertilizer, it is necessary to compost the raw materials first, and then use the granulator to make the organic fertilizer granulator.

Composting conditions:

1. Moisture: the suitable moisture content of compost is 60% - 70% of the wet weight of raw materials. It is better to squeeze out a little liquid when holding it by hand and adjust it with straw. There should not be too much water during heating. Excessive water consumption at high temperature. It should be supplemented in time. In the cooling and post ripening stage, water should be increased to facilitate the accumulation of humus. Choose machines for quality and efficient composting go to

2. Ventilation. Keeping the right amount of air is conducive to the reproduction and activity of aerobic microorganisms and the decomposition of organic matter. If the ventilation is too strong, aerobic microorganisms spread too fast, organic matter decomposition is very large, humus coefficient is low, and nitrogen loss is large. In general, it is necessary to create more adverse conditions at the initial stage of stacking to promote humus formation and reduce nutrient loss. The proper ventilation can be adjusted by controlling the moisture in the material and sealing. Stack, set up ventilation ditch or ventilation tube, turn over stack, etc.

3. The size of composting materials. Because microorganisms usually move on the surface of organic particles, reducing the viscosity of particles and increasing the surface area will promote the activity of microorganisms and accelerate the composting speed; in addition, if the raw material is too thin, it will hinder the flow of air in the stack layer, reduce the amount of oxygen available in the stack layer, and then slow down the microbial activity. In order to speed up the fermentation process, it is necessary to make the compost size under the premise of air permeability.

When making compost, using fermentation technology and fermentation composter can improve work efficiency and save more time to make compost. Compost can be used in many situations.

More types of fertilizer machines are designed to manufacture different types of fertilizers, for example, fertilizer granulators are equipped in a complete fertilizer production line to manufacture fertilizer granulators. The fertilizer mixer is equipped in the fertilizer production line to make fertilizer granulator by mixing raw material uniformity and other series of fertilizer machines. If you want to know more about fertilizer manufacturing technology or fertilizer machine, please leave us a message and we will serve you as soon as possible.

Tuesday 19 January 2021

How to Compost

We can use compost in agriculture. We already know what compost is, but what are the conditions for using compost? How to produce compost by fertilizer manufacturing process?

Composting: composting is a kind of fertilizer that takes crop straw, weeds, leaves, manure, peas, river mud, garbage and other wastes as the main raw materials and adds them to poultry manure and urine for accumulation or reuse. Under certain temperature, humidity, C / N ratio and ventilation conditions, the fermentation of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and other microorganisms widely distributed in nature is a microbial process that artificially promotes the biochemical transformation of biodegradable organic matter into stable humus. Maturity of organic fertilizer. After composting, feces can effectively kill pathogens, parasite eggs and weed seeds in feces, and prevent diseases, insects and weeds. Detailed info related go to

Composting conditions:

1. Moisture. The suitable moisture content of compost is 60% - 70% of raw material weight. In other words, when holding the compost tightly with hands, a small amount of liquid extrusion is appropriate. Straw can be used to adjust the heating stage, and the water consumption should not be too much. In the high temperature stage, more water is used. It should be supplemented in time. During cooling and ripening, more water is needed to facilitate water accumulation. Humus. Need machines for quality composting go to

2. Ventilation. Keeping enough air is conducive to the reproduction and activity of aerobic microorganisms and the decomposition of organic matter. If the aeration is excessive, the aerobic microorganism will propagate too fast, the organic matter will decompose a lot, the humus coefficient will be low, and the nitrogen loss will be great. In the later stage, more gas repellent conditions should be created to accelerate decomposition and generate high temperature. In the later stage, more air repellent conditions should be created to promote the formation of humus and reduce the loss of nutrients. The proper ventilation can be adjusted by controlling the moisture content in the material, sealing degree, setting the ventilation ditch or cylinder and turning the chimney.

3. Size of composting material. Because microorganisms usually move on the surface of organic particles, reducing particle size and increasing surface area will promote microbial activity and accelerate composting speed. In addition, if the raw material is too fine, it will hinder its flow. The flow of air in the reactor layer reduces the amount of oxygen available in the reactor layer, which in turn slows down the rate of microbial activity. In order to speed up the fermentation process, the size of composting materials should be reduced as much as possible, and the air permeability should be guaranteed.

Production technology of organic fertilizer

The use of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is simple, and the production methods of organic fertilizer granulator and inorganic fertilizer granulator are also easy. Different types of fertilizer production lines were designed to produce different types of fertilizer granulators. The production line is designed to produce bio organic fertilizer granulator, and the organic fertilizer manufacturing process is used to produce organic fertilizer granulator. More technology go to

As a fertilizer machinery manufacturer, we not only produce new fertilizer machinery, but also design different fertilizer production lines to make it suitable for different types of raw materials.

Compost Know How

 What is composting?

Different types of fertilizers can be produced by fertilizer manufacturing process equipment. Different types of fertilizer machine are designed to produce different types of fertilizer. Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer are common fertilizers. Today we share compost. What is compost?

Compost is based on crop straw, weeds, leaves, green manure and peas. River mud, garbage and other wastes are the main raw materials, which are added to feces and urine for accumulation or reuse. C / N ratio and ventilation conditions, bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and other microorganisms are widely distributed in nature, that is, the process after the maturity of organic fertilizer. After composting, feces can effectively kill pathogens, parasite eggs and weed seeds in feces, and prevent the occurrence of diseases, insects and weeds.

Ways to make natural NPK fertilizer

Compost can also be designed for special fertilizer production line. Besides composting, how to compost?

Application of compost: the decomposed compost has rich organic matter, narrow C / N ratio range, stable fertilizer utilization rate, long aftereffect and comprehensive nutrients, so it is an ideal organic fertilizer variety. Long term use of compost can improve soil fertility. Due to the short growth period of crops, it is necessary to apply fertilizer rapidly, so compost should be decomposed. In order to improve the soil structure and increase soil nutrients, the compost of 1500-2500 kg per mu is usually combined with basic fertilizer.

We are a manufacturer of fertilizer machine SX. We not only provide information about fertilizer machine or fertilizer production line, but also provide information about fertilizer. Because of the change of fertilizer market, we can design the latest fertilizer machine, such as fertilizer granulator, which is designed for different fertilizer materials. When a new type of fertilizer appears, we can adjust the machine or design a new fertilizer machine to make it more suitable for the market.

Thursday 14 January 2021

Biological fertilizer basis

Fertilizer manufacturing process to produce bio organic fertilizer

When we use the fertilizer manufacturing process to produce bio organic fertilizer, we can produce different types of bio fertilizer granulators. What is the function of bio organic fertilizer?

Biological fertilizer production line

In the production line of biological fertilizer, it is necessary to equip the bio organic fertilizer granulator with different types of fertilizer machines to manufacture the bio organic fertilizer granulator. Why to produce the bio organic fertilizer granulator? What is the function of bio organic fertilizer granulator?

Main function of biological fertilizer

Improve soil fertility

1. Improve soil fertility, which is the main function of biological fertilizer. For example, various autogenous, mixed or symbiotic nitrogen fixation biological fertilizers can fix nitrogen in the air and increase the nitrogen content in the soil; a variety of microorganisms can decompose phosphorus and potassium minerals, such as silicate bacteria, which can decompose potassium feldspar, mica and phosphate rock in the soil, making them insoluble in phosphorus and potassium.

Assist crops to absorb nutrients

2. Produce and assist crops to absorb nutrients. Some bacterial fertilizers, due to the activity of microorganisms, can not only increase the effective nutrients of soil, but also produce a variety of hormones and vitamins, thus promoting the growth of crops.

Enhance the stress resistance of plants

3. Enhance the stress resistance of plants. After inoculation, some Biofertilizers become the main bacteria in crop rhizosphere because of their mass reproduction in crop rhizosphere. They can secrete antibiotics against fungi and bacteria, thereby inhibiting the growth of ADHD bacteria.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Compost Turner in Fermentation Process

In order to produce organic fertilizer granulaes, it is necessary to use the fermentation composting process equipped in the organic fertilizer manufacturing process to ferment the raw materials. Why use unfertilized organic fertilizer? What are the hazards of unfertilized organic fertilizers? The article will share the answers with you.

Organic fertilizer is a relatively comprehensive nutrient fertilizer, which is durable and can make crops grow stably. At the same time, it can also change the soil and increase the yield. It can only be provided to crops after being decomposed by microorganisms.

If the undecomposed organic fertilizer is directly applied to the soil, the fertilizer only has enough carbon source in the decomposition process, but lacks the necessary nitrogen source, which leads to the imbalance of short-term carbon nitrogen ratio. In the middle, absorb some available nitrogen from the soil to promote its own reproduction, and decompose the organic fertilizer.

In this way, it is inevitable to supply nitrogen to crops, which will lead to soil densification and affect the growth and development of crops. In addition, in the process of decomposition, due to the decomposition of microorganisms, high temperature and accumulation of a large amount of nitrogen. Organic acids and other toxic substances may affect the root growth of Cr. in severe cases, they may cause root burning and decay.

We need to share a little to make the raw materials ferment evenly. Fertilizer machine manufacturers have designed fermentation composting machines, such as composting machine, simple composting machine and other types of fermentation compost to ferment the raw materials. After decomposition and fermentation of organic fertilizer, weed seeds, eggs and bacteria can be eliminated by high temperature. Therefore, it is suggested to ferment organic fertilizer before applying it.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Bio Fertilizer Granulation Process

Bio organic fertilizer granulator basis

Bio organic fertilizer granulator is also a new type of organic fertilizer granulator, which has been widely used in the world. some time? It needs to be discussed.

Future development direction

Future development direction of bio organic fertilizer granulator: with the continuous development of bio organic fertilizer granulator, it has begun to play a role in agricultural production, and has produced certain economic benefits.

Transformation from single strain to compound strain

Transformation from single strain to compound strain: in this transformation process, one method is to pursue the application of multi-functional combined bacterial biological fertilizer, so as to further improve one or more characteristics of the strain from the original level. Avoid the interaction of complex or joint flora, and play mutual reciprocity and synergy. The second is to extend the survival time of microorganisms in the soil, and constantly extend the validity period of fertilizer. Therefore, the substances that can decompose carbonaceous compounds can be added to biological fertilizer to prolong the survival time of microorganisms in soil.

Simple biological preparation

It changes from simple biological preparation to compound biological fertilizer: from simple microbial preparation to biological microbial preparation, nutrient elements, organic fertilizer, etc. This transformation can realize the combination of biological fertilizer and medicine, and enhance the multi-function of fertilizer. In addition, the fertilizer granulator has also been transformed, and on the basis of the new organic fertilizer granulator, the fertilizer granulator is designed. The two in one organic fertilizer granulator can also be used to produce organic fertilizer granulator. This is a new improvement of pelletizer for bio organic fertilizer production.

With the continuous development of fertilizer manufacturing technology, new fertilizer granulators are also designed to produce high-quality fertilizer granulators. Therefore, both bio organic fertilizer granulators and compound fertilizer granulators are constantly developing. More details in bio fertilizer granulator, go here.

Friday 8 January 2021

Composting & Fermentation Why

The first step in organic fertilizer production

In the process of organic fertilizer production, the first step is to use fermentation composter to ferment raw materials. But why do we need fermentation materials in the production of organic fertilizer? Today, the purpose of this article is to share the reasons.

Problems in the process of fertilizer production


1. The farm manure without fertilizer often contains a lot of pathogens, which is easy to cause diseases and insect pests of fruit trees and pollute the environment.

Nutrients of unfertilized farmyard manure 

2. Most of the nutrients of unfertilized farmyard manure are organic, so it is not easy to absorb fruit trees, resulting in fertilizer loss.

3. When farmers' fertilizer is decomposed and fermented by microorganisms in the soil, it will produce a lot of heat, which is easy to burn the capillary roots of fruit trees.

Decomposition and fermentation in soil

4. Farmyard manure will absorb a lot of nitrogen in the process of microbial decomposition and fermentation in soil, resulting in short-term nitrogen deficiency of fruit trees.

5. The process of microbial decomposition and fermentation in soil needs a process that leads to the lag of fertilizer efficiency, which is difficult to be consistent with the growth rhythm and fertilization period of fruit trees, and can not achieve the purpose of fertilization, or even cause adverse effects.


In the production of biological fertilizer or organic fertilizer, fermentation technology is very important. Therefore, we need to ferment raw materials before production. In order to make the raw materials ferment evenly, the chemical fertilizer machine manufacturer has designed the fermentation composting turntable machine, which is different types of fermentation raw materials.

Thursday 7 January 2021

Biofertilizer Granulator Selection Tips

Biological fertilizer production is a new design of fertilizer manufacturing process. Compared with organic fertilizer manufacturing process, the production method is easy to be adopted. But how to choose fertilizer granulator technology to make biological fertilizer granulator is a factor problem.

Biological fertilizer granulator is also a kind of organic fertilizer granulator. The fertilizer granulator used in biological fertilizer production line is the same as that used in organic fertilizer production. The production technology of biological fertilizer granulator can be divided into various types according to different types of fertilizer granulators.

In terms of press, there are two types of commonly used technology of biological fertilizer granulator, namely disc granulator and roller granulator, which mainly depends on fertilizer granulator. Due to different granulation methods, the requirements of raw materials are different, and the production process of bio organic fertilizer is also different.

Pan Granulation Process: Pan mixing granulation process is relatively simple. After the raw material is dried, a certain amount of water is removed (after drying, the raw material is disinfected), crushed, and then a certain amount of acid and alkali is added. After adjusting the carrier, it is evenly mixed with the inorganic fertilizer part and sent to the disc granulator. In the process of granulation, a certain amount of microbial agent is sprayed, and the granulation product is dried at low temperature, and the finished product can be obtained after slicing.

After mixing and granulation: the raw material is dried to less than 10%, then crushed by fertilizer crusher, and mixed with acid-base regulator, inorganic fertilizer and microorganism, and then sent to roller granulator as fertilizer granulator. A fertilizer screening machine is used to separate the high-quality fertilizer granulator from the high-quality fertilizer granulator.

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Biofertilizer VS Compound Fertilizer

 Difference between biological fertilizer and compound fertilizer

Fertilizer manufacturing technology is becoming more and more mature, manufacturing chemical and organic fertilizer granulator. NPK fertilizer production line is designed to produce fertilizer granulaes. In the process of fertilizer production, fertilizer granulator is very important. Because different fertilizer types are suitable for different fertilizer granulators, such as drum granulator in the compound fertilizer production line. The new granulator of organic fertilizer is equipped in the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer. In previous articles, we studied the difference between compound fertilizer granulator and organic fertilizer granulator. What is the difference between biological fertilizer granulator and NK fertilizer granulator?

How are they produced?

First, the biggest difference is the product. Compared with biological fertilizer production, NPK fertilizer production is easier to operate. In production, the main fertilizer machine is the use of fertilizer granulator. Biofertilizer granulator is a kind of plastic film fertilizer granulator. It can be used in the production of new organic fertilizer granulator or flat mold granulator. NPK fertilizer granulator is a kind of fertilizer, rotary drum granulator is designed and produced by fertilizer machine factory. In addition, in the production of compound fertilizer granulator, plate or press granulator can also be used.

What machines they need?

Therefore, the difference between compound fertilizer and biological fertilizer granulator is the effect on soil. Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, which has obvious effect on improving soil and fertilization; chemical fertilizer can only provide inorganic nutrients for crops, and long-term application will have adverse effects on the soil, making the soil more and more solid. Organic fertilizer contains a variety of nutrients, the nutrients and nutrients in it are in a comprehensive balance; although the fertilizer contains a single type of nutrients, long-term application may lead to the imbalance of soil and food nutrients; the nutrient content of organic fertilizer is low, so it needs a lot of application; the nutrient content of chemical fertilizer is high, and the application rate is low. Organic fertilizer has a long-term effect on fertilizer, which is short and fierce, easy to cause nutrient loss and environmental pollution. In addition to these advantages, organic fertilizers also come from nature, and they do not contain synthetic chemicals. Long term application can improve the quality of agricultural products; chemical fertilizer is a kind of Pi's synthetic material, improper application will reduce the quality of agricultural products.


In short, although compound fertilizer granulator has some disadvantages, if only organic fertilizer granulator is used, it will also have adverse effects on the soil. Therefore, the combination of organic fertilizer granulator and compound fertilizer granulator will be better.

Fertilizer machine manufacturers will also design and produce different types of fertilizer granulator and fertilizer production technology.

How to make livestock manure compost?

Manure produced by livestock and poultry manure waste

Manure produced by livestock and poultry can be converted into organic fertilizer, which brings some additional economic value. Composting truck can realize efficient fermentation of manure and organic fertilizer.

Livestock manure composting equipment

So what are the benefits of using livestock manure composting equipment. First, through a series of equipment processing, the feces are separated and processed, and finally the organic fertilizer is formed.

Where can you use the finished compost?

Secondly, compost can be used for planting flowers, fruits and vegetables, crops, or directly used in the field after fermentation, which is conducive to improving the soil environment and promoting the development of ecological agriculture.

Breeding and planting will be organically combined in the farm to carry out three-dimensional breeding, recycling breeding and ecological breeding. Generally speaking, 5 pigs (1 cow, 5 sheep and 50 chickens) can be eaten per mu of land. According to this plan, we can deal with the feces and solve the pollution problem.

How to recycle?

In addition to the benefits, our livestock manure composting and throwing equipment is also made in combination with the requirements of harmlessness and resource utilization. It is suitable for the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer. It has complete functions and good equipment quality. More detailed info on livestock manure composting, welcome go to