Thursday 23 December 2021

Chicken manure organic fertilizer

Chicken manure organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter and various nutrients required by crops, but the nutrient content is low, which is difficult to meet the needs of crops. Therefore, the combination of chicken manure organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can provide balanced nutrients for crops and ensure crop products. In industrial production, the quality of chicken manure can also be improved by changing the composition in the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer from chicken littier.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer should be applied after deep tillage.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer is generally used as base fertilizer. The surface spraying hand goes deep into the soil with deep tillage to avoid surface spraying and reduce fertilizer waste and loss of environmental pollution. In the production and treatment of chicken manure organic fertilizer, 40-60% nitrogen fertilizer, 80% phosphorus fertilizer and 80% potassium fertilizer can be mixed with chicken manure organic fertilizer, granulated, coated with fertilizer nutrients, and then used together as base fertilizer

Chicken manure organic fertilizer should be applied together with biological fertilizer.

Biological bacteria in biological fertilizer can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in organic fertilizer, make it more conducive to the absorption of crops, decompose and transform some harmful substances in organic fertilizer, and prevent damage to organic fertilizer. Crops.

Chicken manure organic fertilizer

SX company is a fertilizer mechanism manufacturer in China. The production process of chicken manure organic fertilizer can be designed according to the site. The complete organic fertilizer production equipment can make a large amount of chicken manure produced by large-scale breeding into organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer granulator is the core of organic fertilizer processing. 

It is a fertilizer granulator that granulates nutrients containing organic matter, inorganic fertilizer and other different raw materials. In the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer, biological bacterial fertilizer is added to the raw materials, and different materials are mixed into particles through the organic fertilizer granulator to improve the overall fertilizer efficiency of chicken manure organic fertilizer.

More detailed info, welcome go to

Roary Dryer for Efficient Fertilizer Production

Rotary dryer is the main energy consuming equipment in organic fertilizer production line. Only when the dryer reaches the operation state of high quality, high yield and low consumption, can the loss be reduced and the production income be maximized. The traditional rotary dryer has been in a low efficiency working state: low output, high energy consumption, low thermal efficiency, high water content and difficult to control.

From the perspective of the optimization of the rotary dryer itself, the efficiency of the organic fertilizer production line can be improved by improving the performance of the dryer itself.

Our factory has designed a combined lifting plate dryer, which avoids many disadvantages of the traditional rotary dryer. There are many problems in the structure of traditional drum dryer, which affect the drying effect.

The material dispersion of traditional dryer on the cross section of cylinder is low. The lifting plate installed on the dryer forms a wind tunnel on the cylinder section, and the materials are only distributed in part of the space. When the material falls, it will accumulate on the L-shaped lifting plate for a period of time. Only the surface material is in contact with hot air, and the material in the reactor cannot be in contact with hot air. Therefore, the dispersion of the material on the cross section is low and cannot be in full contact with hot air.

The traditional rotary dryer has a wind tunnel from front to back. The front and rear of the oil cylinder are equipped with lifting plates of the same specification. The wind tunnel will extend from the feed end to the tail. Some hot air cannot exchange heat and is discharged directly through the wind tunnel.

The new rotary dryer adopts a combined lifting plate, which improves the dispersion of materials on the cross section of the cylinder, reduces the front and rear wind tunnels, improves the heat transfer efficiency of fertilizer particles and reduces the energy consumption of the organic fertilizer production line.

More detailed info, go to

Thursday 25 November 2021

Technology to make powder composts

The treatment of organic fertilizer equipment can improve the composting effect. Compost contains a large number of microorganisms and a variety of enzymes, which can promote the transformation of organic nitrogen and phosphorus into inorganic state for crop absorption. 

Composting can make calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminum in soil form stable compounds, reduce phosphorus fixation and increase the content of available phosphorus. Composting decomposes easily decomposable substances in advance to make them stable, decomposes harmful substances that are not conducive to crop growth, and makes the crop growth environment safer.

Livestock manure generally has high nitrogen content and is easy to decompose. Without direct composting and spraying, a large amount of easily decomposed organic matter in feces will be decomposed rapidly. The increase of inorganic nitrogen concentration in soil, especially ammonia nitrogen, will do harm to crop growth. The activity of active microorganisms in soil intensifies the decomposition of organic matter. 

At this time, oxygen is rapidly consumed, and the oxygen in the soil will be reduced. The harmful substances produced in the soil will do harm to the emergence and growth of crops. In order to prevent the rapid decomposition of organic matter in soil, organic fertilizer compost must be treated with organic fertilizer equipment to make it easy to decompose in advance.

Production technology of powdery compost

Organic powder composting has the advantages of simple process, less equipment and low production loss. Moreover, the use of organic fertilizer equipment to produce powdered organic fertilizer has low cost, does not need drying and cooling treatment, and is suitable for large-scale local use.

Powdery composting equipment

The treatment of powdery compost by organic fertilizer equipment is mainly divided into two stages: compost fermentation and compost powder treatment. During manure fermentation, we use a dumper to dump fermentation materials to improve the fermentation efficiency of materials. Dumper is an important equipment for industrial organic fertilizer production. The compost turnover machine has large processing capacity, strong mechanical turnover capacity and labor cost saving.

More detailed info on compost turner, welcome go to

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Composters Role in Organic Fertilizer Plant

The farm produces a lot of manure every day. These manure are cheap, and a large amount of manure can be made into organic fertilizer products through organic fertilizer production equipment

Organic fertilizer production equipment ferments organic fertilizer, which can greatly improve the economic benefits of aquaculture, effectively reduce pollution and purify the environment. 

Organic fertilizer is a kind of high-quality fertilizer, which can greatly improve the yield and quality of crops. Soil organic matter is the basis of soil fertility, which directly affects soil fertility, water conservation, buffer and aeration. Organic matter can be decomposed by microorganisms to form humic acid, which can make loose soil form soil aggregates, reduce soil bulk density and increase porosity. 

It is easy to absorb water infiltrated into the soil and nutrient ions released, so that effective nutrient elements are not easy to be absorbed. Fixed. Organic fertilizer plays an important role in crops. Organic fertilizer production equipment has good benefits in processing organic fertilizer.

Compost fermentation is the first step in the production of organic fertilizer by organic fertilizer production equipment. Compost fermentation removes harmful substances from fermentation products such as feces and produces humus beneficial to soil. 

In the production and fermentation of organic fertilizer, the control of water, temperature and air has an important impact on the quality of organic fertilizer. We use organic fertilizer production equipment to treat composting materials, provide a suitable environment for organic fertilizer production and ensure compost quality.

The high-yield treatment of organic fertilizer fermentation was realized by the dumper. The dumper is used in the fermentation tank environment. It provides sufficient oxygen for the material through mechanical turnover, and stirs the material to make the material mix evenly.

More detailed info, welcome to

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Technology

The fermentation of organic fertilizer includes tank fermentation, pool fermentation and stack fermentation. 

The civil engineering design requires different requirements for each fermentation. For tank fermentation, several rows of equally spaced grooves with a height of more than one meter need to be built on the ground.

 The groove and groove spacing are determined by the pile turning width of the purchased machine, so that we can realize the multi operation production mode.

Pond fermentation requires digging ponds in the field and stacking materials in the ponds for fermentation. The stacker used for tank fermentation and tank fermentation is the same, but the problems of tank fermentation and unloading are difficult to solve, which is not as easy as unloading with forklift for tank fermentation.

There is no need to build tanks and dig ponds in the field for cascade fermentation, and there are few civil works. But Zhouzhuan is a walking machine. The fermentation height of the material is too low, and the fermentation effect is not trough or pool.

More detailed info on organic fertilizer fermentation technology, go to

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Cow Manure Compost Fertilizer Production Process

Can manure straw be used as organic fertilizer without decomposition? The answer must be "no". Only when the manure is completely decomposed by the turner and then made into organic fertilizer, the seedlings will not burn and rot. Most diseases and pests are killed by high-temperature fertilization.

Fermentation turnover machine is the best choice for organic fertilizer manufacturers. 

The organic fertilizer is treated innocuously by the organic fertilizer production process to remove harmful bacteria and insect eggs, decompose and transform organic proteins in a short time, have no peculiar smell and facilitate transportation. However, generally self-made fertilizer has the characteristics of long stacking time, low degree of harmlessness, many harmful bacteria, viruses, insect eggs and weed seeds, easy to burn roots and seedlings, and can not be sold as commercial fertilizer. Therefore, organic fertilizer manufacturers will purchase fermentation and compost dumpers to treat farm manure.

Fermentation turning machine of organic fertilizer manufacturer

Fermentation turnover machine is an important link in the production of organic fertilizer. The farm manure fermented by tank tipper is an organic fertilizer with rich nutrients. It not only has a large amount of organic matter, but also has a high content of three elements. Nutrients. The content of organic matter is 25.5%, nitrogen is 1.63%, phosphorus is 1.54% and potassium is 0.85%. Our best-selling trough stacker adopts crawler walking, which has good reliability in the production process and reduces energy consumption. The supporting slot changer can double the output, increase economic income and reduce equipment investment.

Our factory provides NPK fertilizer manufacturing process and organic fertilizer production equipment. We produce a variety of fermentation compost upender models, which can be customized according to the width of users' fermentation tank.

More detailed info on different types of compost turners, welcome go to

Friday 29 October 2021

How to get compost from poultry manure turner?

The manufacture of NPK fertilizer is mainly the mixing of different chemical fertilizer raw materials, and the most important steps in the production of organic fertilizer from livestock manure are composting and fermentation. Nowadays, with the development of Industrial Science and technology, fertilizer plants often choose composter to replace manual.

The organic fertilizer production line adopts compost turning equipment, which has large production capacity, low production cost and guaranteed fertilizer quality. So how do these dumpers do compost fermentation?

Ground fermentation turnover machine

Corn flour can be added to the fermentation product to increase the sugar content, facilitate bacterial fermentation and make the multi-dimensional compound enzyme bacteria play a role quickly. Pile the stirred raw materials into a long pile with a width of 1.5m-2m and a bottom of 0.8m-1m, and cover the sack for aerobic fermentation. Then the mixed materials are sent to the mixer for mixing

Stir evenly and thoroughly without dead blocks. Then add corn flour and fungus. As usual, fermentation requires 45% dew, that is, pinch your feet into a ball. There is water between your fingers, but there is no drip. You can put it away as soon as you let go. The strip Turner regularly stirs the fermented products. This fermentation method is more suitable for individuals or small businesses. In the processing of organic fertilizer, trough stacker is widely used.

Poultry manure composting and fermentation vehicle

In the fermentation process, the temperature on the first day of composting can reach 60-80 ℃, which can kill E. coli, insect eggs and other pests; Remove the smell of chicken manure the next day; On the third day, the compost became loose, dry and less red mycelium; 

On the fourth day, a kind of Qu fragrance was restored; On the fifth day, the bacterial fertilizer is fermented and mature, slightly reduced and dried, and then the bag can be opened before leaving the factory. One day heating, two days odorless, three days pine, four days incense, five days fat. The organic matter content of green ecological organic fertilizer is more than 45%, which is a kind of organic fertilizer with comprehensive nutrition

Rapid Composting in Fertilizer Production

 How to realize rapid fermentation in the process of organic fertilizer production

The other 75% nutrients in chicken, sheep and pig feed are excreted with feces, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, amino acids, protein, etc. A series of treatments in the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer convert feces into organic fertilizer. How can organic fertilizer equipment realize rapid fermentation deodorization to produce finished products? What are the advantages of this process over ordinary fermentation?

Organic fertilizer fermentation technology

1. The energy consumption of the dumper is low.

Fecal composting fermentation process can use biological heat to evaporate a large amount of water, with low energy consumption, saving coal and electricity, high labor intensity, better control fermentation humidity and reduce the loss of effective substances.

2. Organic fertilizer fermentation equipment has little environmental pollution.

The compost dumper adopts closed equipment to strengthen the controllability of factory production and reduce the exposure of mosquito and fly parasitic sources. This can effectively control environmental pollution and produce high-quality organic fertilizer on the premise of ensuring the environment.

3. The processing time of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment is short.

First, the factory fermentation process is adopted to inoculate high-efficiency active bacteria, so that microorganisms can quickly form dominant bacteria, shorten fermentation time and accelerate deodorization. Generally, deodorization can be completed in 2 ~ 3 days. At the same time, the rotation of the turnover machine increases the oxygen required for microbial activities and accelerates composting. Under normal natural conditions, outdoor composting often takes several months.

Organic fertilizer fermentation technology

Only by understanding the advantages and functions of the equipment can it play its role better. We provide organic fertilizer manufacturing process and NPK fertilizer manufacturing process to ensure the steady improvement of agricultural production efficiency. 

More details on advanced composting, welcome go to

Monday 25 October 2021

Turner Machine for Cow Dung Composting

It is an economical and practical method to produce organic fertilizer from cow dung in cattle farm. Modern compost fermentation technology is adopted in the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer to treat manure innocuously.

Production technology of cow manure composting and fermentation organic fertilizer

The trough dumper mainly mixes livestock manure and other organic wastes with fermentation bacteria and auxiliary materials (water content 50-60%) and enters the front end of the fermentation tank with a forklift (1 / 8 or 1 / 8 of the empty tank in the front end of the tank is vacated after the original front end is turned over), and the fermentation materials are stacked in the tank to a thickness of 1.5-1.6m, Through the forced ventilation of continuous aerobic fermentation high-pressure fan and the oxygen provided by the contact between materials and air during stacking rotation. The fermented materials are rapidly decomposed, sterilized, deodorized, dehydrated and dried, and the fermentation cycle is 7-8 days.

Under the action of the vertical and horizontal traveling mechanism of the dumper, the scraper with multi tooth plate structure forming a 45 degree angle with the pool bottom continuously and gradually picks up and transports the fermented materials to the highest point of the pool bottom. Throw it down and let it pile up again to produce a certain displacement. The whole process of continuous aerobic fermentation was completed by turning the pile twice a day.

Process flow of cow manure organic fertilizer dumper

The daily fermentation materials (1 / 8 of the daily processing capacity of the fermentation tank) are transported from the end of the fermentation tank by forklift. The space vacated at the front end of the fermentation tank (1 / 8 of the daily processing capacity of the fermentation tank) is supplemented with new fermentation materials to form a continuous fermentation process. The materials discharged from the pond are stored in stockpiles for secondary fermentation (10-15 days) to further decompose and remove part of the water. The whole production process of organic fertilizer is different from that of NPK fertilizer.

More diffrent types of compost turners for composting, welcome go to

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Chicken Manure Managment as Fertilizer for Sale

Chicken manure is a kind of organic fertilizer with high nutrition. After properly adjusting the water content of chicken manure, straw, mushroom residue, leaves and other wastes are used for fermentation to ensure the normal fermentation process.

1. Save consumption. The production principle is that chicken manure, bark, sawdust and other materials that are not easy to ferment. The content of chicken manure should be more. Adding starter to the fermentation materials can ferment a large amount of waste.

2. Fast. At normal temperature (15-20 ℃), it rises to 50-60 ℃ after 48 hours, and it can reach more than 75 ℃ on the third day. At this high temperature, the materials can be completely deodorized, fermented and decomposed. The insecticidal and sterilization process can be completed in 3-7 days after overturning several times with a dumper, and the temperature is stable at 55-65 ℃.

3. Widely used. The production process of organic fertilizer can be widely used for harmless and resource treatment of various organic substances, such as animal manure, crop straw, wine making waste, organic waste, deciduous bark and other animal and plant waste, such as the production of various organic fertilizers

High grade organic fertilizer, fermented amino acid foliar fertilizer, matrix nutrient soil (breeding soil, flower soil), animal roughage such as cattle and sheep, fish and shrimp, Tenebrio molitor, earthworm and Astragalus membranaceus are further made into high-quality special fertilizer by NPK fertilizer granulator.

Friday 15 October 2021

Equipment selection of organic fertilizer production line

With the increasing emphasis on environmental protection agriculture, the organic fertilizer market has entered a period of rapid development, and the organic fertilizer production line has become an investment project. However, there are many organic fertilizer equipment manufacturers. How to select the appropriate organic fertilizer production line has become the first problem encountered by investors.

Since most of the enterprises producing organic fertilizer are not traditional compound fertilizer manufacturers, but have organic resources, they have not been engaged in chemical fertilizer production before, such as sugar factories, sewage treatment plants, farms, waste treatment plants, food processing plants, etc Slaughterhouses, or newly established production plants attached to these enterprises.

The early production process of organic fertilizer and inorganic compound fertilizer was completely different. The selection of organic fertilizer production equipment will directly affect the production cost and product quality of organic fertilizer, as well as the size of production site.

Equipment composition of organic fertilizer production line

Generally speaking, the key equipment for organic fertilizer production is: first, the treatment equipment before fermentation, mainly crushing and mixing equipment; 2、 Stacking equipment for fermentation; 3、 The deep processing equipment after fermentation is mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer granulator.

Organic fertilizer production and treatment

1. The quality of raw material treatment in the early stage directly affects the subsequent production. There are many kinds of crushers for different crushing materials. For example, materials that are easy to agglomerate, long fibers, wood, etc. need different grinders.

2. In terms of fermentation process, most organic fertilizer production lines are equipped with tank stacker, which is convenient to process materials and has strong production line capacity. Of course, strip pile fermentation can be selected for small-scale organic fertilizer production process.

3. The deep processing stage after fermentation is similar to the compound fertilizer production line. This part is mainly used for granulation production, and the most important equipment is the granulator. What kind of granulator to choose depends on what kind of products to produce and what materials to add to the raw materials. We have special organic fertilizer granulator and compound fertilizer granulator, which correspond to different production materials respectively, so we should make more investigation and comparison when selecting organic fertilizer production equipment. More detailed info, go to

Sunday 26 September 2021

Organic Fertilizer Drying Process

Drying link is an important link in the fertilizer manufacturing process, and the drying method is very key. The fertilizer produced by the organic fertilizer equipment is completely dry fertilizer, so how does the organic fertilizer equipment produce dry fertilizer?

(1) Mechanical dewatering method: mechanical dewatering method is to extrude part of the water by pressurizing the material. Common methods include pressing, sedimentation, filtration and centrifugal separation. 

Mechanical dehydration can only remove part of the free water in the material, while the combined water remains in the material. Therefore, the water content of the material after mechanical dehydration is still very high, generally 40-60%. But mechanical dehydration is an economical method.

(2) Heating and drying method: also known as drying, it uses heat energy to heat materials and evaporate the water in materials. A certain amount of heat is required to remove moisture from the material.

 Generally, air is used to dry materials. The air is preheated and sent to the dryer to transfer heat to the material, so that the water in the material evaporates to form water vapor, which is brought out of the dryer with the air. After the material is heated and dried, the combined water in the material can be removed to achieve the water content required by the product or raw material.

(3) Chemical dehumidification method: use hygroscopic agent to remove a small amount of moisture in gas, liquid and solid materials. 

Due to the limited dehumidification capacity of hygroscopic agent, it is only used to remove trace moisture in materials. Therefore, it is rarely used in production.

More details on the dryer machine, go to

Friday 24 September 2021

What to do in manure fermentation?

1. Requirements for fermentation raw materials

Fermentation raw materials (such as feces and other agricultural wastes) should be fresh and can not be recycled naturally.

2. Requirements for accessories

Fermentation accessories (such as straw, rice bran, etc.) should have moderate water content, strong water absorption, appropriate particle or length, and should not be too large. The addition amount shall be determined according to the moisture content of fermentation raw materials.

3. Strains should be removed

At least 50g (1 or 2) of a ton of raw materials are required for organic fertilizer fermentation strains. Considering that it can not be evenly applied on the fermentation materials, 50g of bacteria and 500g (1kg) of any raw material shall be mixed and stirred evenly, such as wheat drum, sawdust, oil dry, rice bran, etc, Then sprinkle it into the fermentation material, stir it evenly, and stack it for fermentation.

4. Adjust the fermentation water well

The water regulation of raw and auxiliary materials is the most important, which is related to the success or failure of fermentation. The moisture requirement is: after the raw and auxiliary materials are mixed, they are held together, divided into two and fall on the ground. The proportion of general auxiliary materials (such as straw, straw, etc.) is 10% ~ 30% (weight percentage of raw materials). If calculated according to the volume ratio of the two, it is generally 2 parts of raw materials and 1 part of auxiliary materials.

5. The length, width and height of fermentation pile shall meet the standards

The width, height and length of fermentation products shall not be less than 1.5m and 1m respectively.

More details, on organic fertilizer fermentation, go to

Friday 17 September 2021

Pig farm manure fermentation technology

The biggest headache of pig farms is the problem of fecal treatment, because composting not only occupies space, but also easy to produce peculiar smell. Under the pressure of environmental protection, pig manure treatment is a big problem. As long as the feces are handled properly, it can not only solve the environmental problems of pig farms, but also bring additional income. Now the market price of organic fertilizer is very high. 

Raw materials are livestock excreta, straw and other crop wastes. Organic fertilizer fermentation equipment manufacturers share pig manure fermentation technology and carry out biological fertilizer projects.

Technology of pig manure fermentation organic fertilizer

1. Add fermentation bacteria: livestock manure 60%, food bacterial residue 20%, straw and other materials with low water content (reduce the water content to 50%, which is the appropriate water content for fermentation), and 1% bacterial starter. The purpose of adding bactericide is to increase the heating rate, control the fermentation temperature at 65 ℃ ~ 70 ℃, eliminate peculiar smell and sterilization in the fermentation process, speed up the fermentation speed and shorten the fermentation time to about 15 ~ 20 days

Precautions for fermentation process: stir with compost dumper every 2 days. In order to increase the oxygen content, the compost needs to be turned constantly; At the same time, the fermentation strains need to contact the materials more evenly to improve the maturity and speed up the fermentation maturation process.

Pig manure fermentation composting technology

2. Crushing after fermentation and ripening: because some decomposition products are too large for fertilization, they need to be crushed with a semi wet material crusher to prepare for the next organic fertilizer granulation (the smaller the crushed particles are, the easier it is to granulation). The crushed and stirred materials are powdery, which is not conducive to mechanical fertilization.

At present, many organic fertilizers on the market are fermented with animal manure, crop straw, pressed cake or beer residue and monosodium glutamate residue. In the fermentation of organic fertilizer, the nutrient content of chicken manure is the highest, followed by pig manure. 

Now it is fed with concentrate, so the nutrient content and organic matter content of pig manure are relatively high (the nutrient content of pig manure raised by farmers is relatively low), which is suitable for organic fertilizer fermentation. According to many experimental results, the effect of pig manure organic fertilizer is similar to that of chicken manure fermentation

Therefore, the market prospect of pig manure fermentation as organic fertilizer is very good. SX fertilizer equipment manufacturer provides customers with organic fertilizer equipment and NPK fertilizer production line to help complete fertilizer manufacturing and processing.

Pig Manure into Granular Compost

Pig manure organic fertilizer granulator: whether you like pork or not, 700 million pigs are there. The problem is that the value of pig manure brought by these 700 million pigs exceeds 100 million.

Pig manure is very "fat". Today, no one will question the necessity of environmental protection in pig breeding. How to do it has become a problem that the industry really needs to think about. The same thing may look completely different from different angles. 

In some people's eyes, these hundreds of millions of tons of manure can be a source of pollution, but in some people's eyes, it can't be a source of wealth? Turn pig manure into organic fertilizer and garbage into resources. Endless troubles have suddenly become endless benefits. All problems have been solved at once?

Reality will never be as full as ideal. Whether it is a pig farm or an organic fertilizer plant, it seems that there is no real way to combine the two. The production of organic fertilizer is a completely unfamiliar technology for pig farms, which is difficult to accept huge investment. For organic fertilizer plants, the use of pig manure raw materials is also full of unknowns. The fertilizer industry even spoke frankly about the various residues of heavy metals and antibiotics.

Who can build a bridge between the two first? We habitually think of the government. The government has done a lot of work, from regulation to subsidies. But everyone knows that the market is the greatest force. We are glad to see that leading enterprises such as Wenshi, muyuan and Dongrui have made many successful attempts.

Only when everyone in the market starts to benefit from it can the 100 billion market in the pig manure organic fertilizer theory be really activated, and then the pig manure will naturally become a fertilizer difference.

Q: how does pig manure mature?

A: pig manure has fine texture, low cellulose content and high nutrients. It is a good organic fertilizer. However, due to its high water content, slow maturity and less fermentation heat release, it belongs to cold fertilizer.

Its fermentation is slower than sheep manure and horse manure. Fermentation requires a certain temperature and humidity. The fermentation temperature of pig manure should reach 60 ℃ - 70 ℃, and the water content should reach about 60%. (the judgment method of 60% water content is to knead pig dung into a ball by hand and loosen it when it is loose.) if the temperature is not enough, cover it with film or mix some horse dung well. 

When the water content is high, the feces can be opened to evaporate the water. When it is not enough, add water. In addition, adding some nitrogen fertilizer can speed up the fermentation.

The standard for good fermentation of pig manure is: the color is yellow green, there are white mycelium like substances, the smell is not strong, slightly alcoholic. The water content of pig manure is 81.5%, organic matter is 15.0%, nitrogen is 0.60%, phosphorus is 0.40%, potassium is 0.44%. High nutrient content, balanced, soft, large and long fertilizer effect, it is "warm fertilizer".

 Pig manure has fine texture and complex components, including protein, fat, organic acids, cellulose, hemicellulose, inorganic salts, etc. Pig manure contains more nitrogen and a smaller carbon nitrogen ratio (14:1). Generally, it is easy to be decomposed by microorganisms and release nutrients that can be absorbed and utilized by crops. After decomposition, it can be applied to cold soil, sandy soil and clay soil to improve the soil.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Quality Compost Fertilizer Production Tips

Measures to improve composting technology and composting quality

Although the application of waste compost can improve soil and promote plant production, due to the composition of waste itself, the process is more professional in the process of fertilizer manufacturing, which will also have a potential impact on the environment. 

High production, transportation and application costs and poor economic benefits restrict the application and development of composting. However, as a waste treatment and resource recovery method, economic benefit can not be the only standard to measure, but to make it a promising waste treatment method, improving composting process and improving composting quality is the main direction of future development.

Improvement of composting process

Composting has a long history and many technological processes. The treatment cost, treatment effect and compost quality of different process methods are different. Traditional anaerobic composting uses anaerobic microorganisms to complete the decomposition reaction. 

Air and compost are isolated, the temperature is low, the process is relatively simple, and the nitrogen storage in the product is relatively large, but the composting cycle is too long, the smell is strong, and the decomposition of incomplete substances. Modern composting process is basically aerobic composting through forced ventilation. This is because of the high temperature of aerobic composting, effective killing of pathogens, complete decomposition of matrix, short composting cycle and low odor. wait.

How to collect garbage by classification and what classification equipment are needed?

Composting is a treatment technology of organic components in garbage. Stone, metal, glass and other wastes not only affect the fermentation process of compost, but also affect the quality of compost. These substances must be classified and treated separately. At present, mixed collection is generally used for urban domestic waste in China. 

Although the paper and plastic in the garbage are greatly reduced after being picked up by residents, scavengers and sanitation workers for many times, the garbage still contains non degradable substances such as metal, waste battery and waste lamp. At present, the combination of mechanical sorting and manual sorting is usually used in the composting process. Mechanical separation methods mainly include screening, air separation and magnetic separation. Taking effective measures to promote the classified collection of municipal solid waste in China is very necessary to save composting cost and improve composting quality.

How to shorten the maturity cycle of composting

Composting mainly uses microorganisms to degrade organic matter, and microorganisms are the main body of the composting process. The type and quantity of microorganisms in compost have an important impact on the fermentation time and fertilizer efficiency of compost. There are two main microbial sources in composting. 

On the one hand, it comes from the composting material itself. On the other hand, special microorganisms are domesticated and cultured to inoculate compost. These strains have the characteristics of strong activity, rapid reproduction and rapid decomposition of organic matter. They can accelerate the composting reaction process, shorten the composting reaction time, and help to reduce investment and land occupation.

Choose quality compost machnes for your compost fertilizer production, go to

Monday 13 September 2021

How to make througly compost?

A lot of organic waste is produced every day. If not handled in time, it is easy to pollute the environment and affect human health. Since the turner machine entered the market, it has effectively alleviated this situation. So how does Turner protect the environment? In compost fermentation technology, tank fermentation is used to produce organic fertilizer in industry. Optional equipment includes tank Tipper and chain plate tipper. Appropriate equipment can be selected according to actual needs.

Fermentation treatment of fertilizer production process

As a new type of machinery, organic fertilizer dumper is the core equipment of aerobic dynamic composting. Quickly replace manual and forklift and become a tool for turning materials. It is the mainstream product affecting the development trend of composting industry. The suitable height of fermentation tank is 1.0-1.3m, the width is 6m and the length is 50-100m. It can be determined according to the building area of the farm and the shape of the plot.

We take the widely used chain plate tipper as an example, which is the guarantee of composting control technology. Chain dumper is a kind of bio organic fertilizer that uses the principle of aerobic fermentation to convert animal manure, agricultural waste, sugar mill filter mud, sludge, domestic waste and other pollutants into green environmental protection and improve soil quality. Turn it into organic fertilizer and let the waste create due value. The prospect of chain turnover machine is very good! Organic fertilizer can increase soil organic matter and improve soil physical and chemical properties.

Process characteristics of chain dumper

1. The stacker can complete the continuous fermentation process of feeding at one end and discharging at the other end of the fermentation tank, and can also complete the batch fermentation process of full tank.

2. Select forced mechanical turnover aeration and pipe ventilation oxygenation aeration

3. The solar composting workshop has excellent heating effect and regulation function, and can carry out composting production all year round.

4. In order to save money, a canopy can also be used to replace the solar composting workshop.

SX equipment factory, a geotechnical machinery manufacturer, believes that increasing the application of organic fertilizer and increasing the content of soil organic matter are the main links to improve soil fertility. Organic matter can increase soil aeration, water permeability and water storage capacity, improve root growth environment, and strengthen soil water and fertilizer conservation. The fermented compost is further processed into organic fertilizer through a fertilizer granulator.

Saturday 11 September 2021

How to use cow manure fertilizer machine efficiently

In the process of organic fertilizer production, the failure of organic fertilizer equipment will affect the normal work progress, delay the production plan and cause production losses. We believe that organic fertilizer enterprises should take countermeasures to reduce the failure of organic fertilizer equipment and save funds for production.

Fertilizer production line

The following countermeasures to reduce the failure of organic fertilizer equipment are summarized for your reference:

Countermeasures to reduce the failure of bio organic fertilizer equipment:

(1) Maintain the initial and basic state of organic fertilizer equipment and maintain the original design parameters: This is the basic work, that is, the first step to reduce the failure of organic fertilizer equipment is to restore the basic state of organic fertilizer equipment;

(2) Strictly abide by the operating procedures to prevent and avoid destructive operation and overload operation: the problems of organic fertilizer equipment are mostly caused by improper operation or maintenance. The significance of standardizing employee behavior is to prevent and reduce this organic fertilizer equipment problem caused by simple reasons;

(3) Continuously discover, prevent and repair natural deterioration and repair organic fertilizer equipment under potential fault conditions: the significance of independent maintenance. One of the most important steps is to solve the problem of fault source through the participation of front-line employees in finding problems at the first time, comprehensive and standardized production maintenance, advocacy and elimination of six sources;

(4) Correct the defective design and actively maintain the accidental improvement of design and manufacturing defects of organic fertilizer equipment;

(5) Prevent man-made deterioration, man-made damage and destructive maintenance;

(6) Control any abnormal external conditions and accelerate the degradation of organic fertilizer equipment.

No matter what equipment it is, as long as it is equipment, some faults will inevitably occur. It may be due to the quality problem of the equipment, improper use, long-term use, parts wear and other reasons, and some faults will occur in the organic fertilizer equipment for a long time.

More details, go to

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Bio Fertilizer Production with Compost Turner

Compost dumper is an important part of bio organic fertilizer engineering. What role does it play in the fermentation of organic fertilizer. How does the bulldozer work and how does it affect the biological composting process? The working principle of compost turning of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment is introduced in detail below.

Organic matter will produce a lot of heat and consume a lot of oxygen in the fermentation process, but due to the large processing capacity and high stacking in the fermentation process. In order to fully and quickly ferment organic matter into small molecular organic matter and make beneficial bacteria more active, only the oxygen content can be increased. In this case, we have developed a set of aerobic turnover equipment in high temperature period of composting based on many years of experience in commissioning and production of organic fertilizer, which can improve the physical oxygen content in the fermentation process of bio organic fertilizer

Compost dumper is a fermentation treatment equipment developed for biological fertilizer project according to the characteristics of organic fertilizer fermentation, including walking strip dumper and trough dumper. In the process of turnover operation, the rotary machine not only discards the materials to make them contact with the air, but also has the crushing function, which greatly saves time and labor, and greatly improves the production efficiency and product quality. Organic fertilizer plant, greatly reducing the cost. The trough soil dumper has a large treatment scale, needs to be operated on a fixed fermentation tank, and can process compost in batches. When the organic fertilizer raw materials are completely rotten, they shall be completely removed from the fermentation tank, put into new materials, and send the cleaned compost to the composting yard. In order to facilitate the spraying of bacteria on materials, some auxiliary facilities can be added, such as automatic spraying device, etc.

According to the bioinorganic fertilizer standard, compost shall be aged, adjusted for nutrition and inorganic matter, processed by fertilizer granulator and sold as compound fertilizer.

More details, go to

Tuesday 7 September 2021

How does poultry manure ferment rapidly?

Aerobic fermentation is very important in biological fertilizer fermentation engineering. In the strict fermentation process, the permeability of aerobic bacteria directly affects the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria or aerobic bacteria. The temperature of aerobic fermentation is high and that of anaerobic fermentation is low; The more air enters, the higher the temperature, on the contrary, the lower the temperature; The more air, the more microorganisms multiply, and vice versa; Bacterial egg white is not necessarily better than plant eggs, etc.

The production of organic fertilizer by fermentation tank is a composting technology, which puts materials into the fermentation tank and turns, stirs and smashes them through the trough organic fertilizer fermentation tank / organic fertilizer fermentation tank machinery, so as to ferment, rot and degrade organic fertilizer. Material Science. Compared with static composting, it is easier to obtain constant product performance and better control effect on odor. The overall degree of automation can be higher and save land.

Purpose and characteristics of poultry manure fermentation Dumper:

1. It is actually used for the fermentation and dumping of livestock manure, sludge garbage, sugar factory filtered sludge, cake meal, straw sawdust and other organic incinerators. It is widely used in organic fertilizer plants, compound fertilizer plants and sludge and garbage plants, Horticulture, and mushroom plantations.

2. It is used for aerobic fermentation and can be used together with solar fermentation room, fermentation tank and walking machine. It can be used together with the walking machine to realize the function of one machine with multiple slots.

3. High efficiency, stable operation, durability and even throwing. In the throwing process, the walking speed can be adjusted at any time according to the moisture density environment of the material. The whole tank body is overturned and thrown once. The pig manure organic fertilizer fermentation tank is stirred evenly and quickly, and has the function of crushing materials, so that the materials are in full contact with the air and the material fermentation is better.

More detailed info, go to

Thursday 2 September 2021

How to compost with fertilizer machine?

As an important mechanical equipment in the fermentation process of biological fertilizer project, the dumper needs more attention in the use process in order to be better used and bring higher income.

1. Check whether the oil circuit system and smooth system of the dumper are unblocked. If it is not unblocked, immediately notify the maintenance personnel for maintenance.

2. Check whether the amount of oil in the upender oil tank is satisfactory. If not, add enough. Check whether the hydraulic system leaks;

3. Before starting the stacker, carefully check whether the organization of each part is intact and whether the positioning of each transmission handle and shift handle is accurate and inaccurate. You should also carefully maintain the smooth operation of the machine as required.

4. Operators must be present before going to work.

5. Before starting the stacker, the rolling part of mechanical energy shall be rolled. Investigate whether the machine has abnormal rolling, and notify the maintenance personnel to repair in time.

6. When starting the stacker, first turn on the power switch to energize the machine, and then turn on the switch of electric oil pump and each motor for trial operation. After the operation of the rail changer stops, operate on the upper rack.

7. During the operation of the dumper, if abnormal conditions such as spindle vibration, loud noise, or high pressure and high temperature exceeding 65 ° C are found, it shall be handled and checked with the technician immediately;

8. Except for the maintenance and repair carried out by relevant personnel during the operation of the dump machine, other personnel shall stop the machine.

9. If there is a problem with the dumper, immediately inform relevant personnel to find out the cause and eliminate the problem. It is not allowed to deal with it without authorization. It is forbidden to operate the equipment with disease.

10. After the operation of the upender, turn off the fan and let the drum run for 2-3 minutes. Desilting can be carried out before shutdown. After that, the tipper shall be cleaned, ironed and dedusted, oiled smoothly, and the power supply shall be blocked.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Compost Equipment for Bio Fertilizer Plant

Composting process of biological fertilizer engineering: stack materials with appropriate water content according to a certain height and height. The stacks are arranged in parallel on the open-air or indoor flat composting yard. The most efficient professional stacker performs continuous turnover on the whole stack. The cross section of the stack is a quasi semicircle with width of 2 ~ 3M and height of 0.8 ~ 1.5m, and the length is unlimited.

Bio organic fertilizer production

Features of the process: strong mechanical mobility, bar code stacking is conducive to water loss in the later stage of composting. Low requirements for civil engineering and no supporting fermentation tank is required. It can be stacked in the open air to save construction investment. Larger; Outdoor composting in northern China has poor thermal insulation in winter, and the composting cycle needs to be prolonged; In the open season, the compost pile is vulnerable to impact in the rainy season, so it is recommended to provide conditional shelter.

Working principle and operation method of crawler Dumper: it is mainly driven by diesel engine, crawler runs, and the turnover wheel is placed on the trapezoidal frame. When the driver drives the dumper into the pile body, the hydraulic driven dumping wheel rotates at high speed to continuously pick up and throw back the materials and put them back into the pile. 

The stacker has high mobility and flexibility, which can save the area of composting workshop, reduce civil engineering investment, and reduce the construction cost of fermentation bin by at least 1 / 3. When dumping, it is scattered at high places and in full contact with the air, which is easy to reduce water. 

The throwing wheel is equipped with a wear-resistant curved tooth knife, which has a strong ability to crush materials during reclaiming. The materials in the pile fall from the throwing wheel, lengthening the movement path of the materials, so that the materials can fully contact with the air. It is also conducive to the evaporation of water and promote the rapid completion of aerobic fermentation. It is very suitable for large capacity, humid climate and continuous fermentation.

Compost Turner for Cow Dung Disposal

In the production process of biological fertilizer project, the maintenance of equipment is also very important. Regular maintenance can prolong the service life of your equipment and replace unqualified parts in time to avoid accidents during operation and affect the equipment. Normal production will cause losses to you.

1、 Daily maintenance of cow dung fermentation organic fertilizer Dumper:

The stacker shall be maintained once a week when it is not operated frequently, and daily maintenance shall be carried out when it is operated frequently. Maintenance contents:

1. Half maintenance inspection (after working for 10 hours), check whether the connecting bolts, nuts and oil drain plugs are loose.

2. Check whether the bolts at all parts have defects of cotter pins and replace them in time (cotter pins cannot be replaced with other items).

3. Check whether the rotary knife is lost and whether the fastening bolt is loose. If necessary, repair, tighten or replace with a new knife.

4. Check whether the electrical connectors are fastened and whether the wire insulation is good. Repair or replace in time if necessary.

5. Check whether the fastening screws of diesel engine, gearbox and bearing seat are loose.

6. Clean the circuit board accessories on the stacker.

7. Check the remaining quantity of oil tank and water tank.

2、 Regular maintenance of the composter for cow manure fermentation

1. After one season of operation, replace the gearbox gear oil, check the bearings at all parts, disassemble and clean them with new grease and install them. Replace if worn.

2. Remove the cab seat and seat lower cover plate, check and tighten the bolts on the transmission shaft. Prevent the shaft from tilting and breaking due to the loose transmission shaft caused by the loose bolts on the transmission shaft seat.

3. Add antifreeze to the water tank in winter. If antifreeze is not added, warm water shall be added before operation. After the operation, the water in the water tank, body and cooler should be drained to prevent freezing.

4. Check whether the electrical appliances work normally and the circuit insulation performance is good. If necessary, replace the connected wires.

5. For long-term operation of the stacker, all exposed parts shall be oil and rust proof, and shall be covered when placed outdoors.

We produce a variety of compost tilters for fertilizer manufacturing process. Welcome to inquire.

More detailed info on compost fertilizer production go to

Thursday 26 August 2021

Movable Turner for Windrow Composting

Walking organic fertilizer dumper is the most widely used fermentation dumping equipment in the process of organic fertilizer production. The machine adopts four-wheel walking design, in which the small machine adopts frame structure and the large machine adopts box structure. The main components include: diesel engine (including automatic ignition mechanism), direction control device, speed change device, differential device, rotary shaft lifting device, rotary device and crushing device.

The composting tuner is driven by chain and gear. The front wheels control the travel direction and use non slip tires. They can move forward, backward and turn, and are controlled by one person. The whole vehicle rides on a long pile of prefabricated fertilizer, and the frame with rotating knife shaft at the bottom is used to mix, loosen and move fertilizer-based raw materials. After passing the car, it was tampered with the new bar stack. The walking organic composter is equipped with baffle to prevent mixing. Material dispersion. The machine can be used in open areas or workshop sheds.

Compared with other models such as "tipping machine", "mixer" and "screw tipping machine", the walking organic fertilizer mixer has remarkable characteristics:

1. It is more suitable for the fermentation mechanism and process requirements of fresh chicken manure biological fertilizer project, and can effectively mix viscous chicken manure with microbial preparations and straw powder. It creates a better aerobic environment for material fermentation. Under the characteristics of this loose material, it is heated in one day, tasteless in two days, dry in three days, and become fertilizer in five or seven days. 

It is not only faster than deep tank fermentation, but also effectively prevent hydrogen sulfide, amine and indium in the fermentation process. The generation of harmful and malodorous gases such as indole meets the requirements of environmental protection and can produce good bio organic fertilizer.

2. The whole machine has the advantages of appropriate power, low energy consumption and large output, which reduces the production cost of bio organic fertilizer. According to the technical parameters of the machine, more than 300 cubic meters of fresh chicken manure can be mixed every hour. It can be converted into 100-150 tons of synthetic fertilizer. 

In an organic fertilizer plant with a daily output of 30 tons of finished fertilizer, workers only need to work for more than 10 minutes (subject to the actual rotation time). The energy consumption per ton of fertilizer is less than 1kW, which makes the finished fertilizer form an obvious price advantage.

3. The operating room is surrounded by glass, and the panoramic cab is equipped with air conditioning equipment to provide a comfortable working environment for the operator.

4. The overall structure of the whole machine is reasonable, the rigidity of the whole machine is good, the stress is balanced, simple and firm, the performance is safe and reliable, the operation is convenient, and the field applicability is strong. Except for the solid frame, all parts are standard components, which are easy to use and maintain.

5. Low price, low investment threshold, suitable for national conditions and public opinion.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

4 Setps to Speed Up Your Composting Process

Solutions to the failure of composter in the production of biological fertilizer project:

The compost dumper is used for the fermentation of livestock manure, sludge waste, sugar mill sludge, residue cake, straw sawdust and other organic waste. Due to the different water content of the material, the material is viscous. The difference is that the trough turnover machine is easy to overturn in operation.

SX heavy industry has been engaged in the production and sales of compost tuner for many years. Fully mastered the operation skills of the tank car. This can be avoided by following the steps below (take cow dung as an example):

1. Add bacteria. 1 kg starter can ferment about 10 tons of sludge + cow dung. 30-50% cow dung, rice straw powder, mushroom residue, peanut shell powder, rice husk, sawdust and other organic substances need to be added to adjust air permeability. If rice husk and sawdust are added, the fermentation time will be prolonged due to the high content of cellulose and lignin.

2. Pile construction for windrow composting. After the materials are ready, build a bacterial pile (organic fertilizer cycle). The pile height and volume cannot be too short or too small. Requirements: the pile height is 1-1.3m, the width is 2-3m, and the length is unlimited

3. Moisture. The water content of fermented material shall be controlled at 60-65%. Moisture judgment: hold the material tightly, see the watermark but do not drip, and it is appropriate to land. Slow water fermentation, poor water quality and poor ventilation will also lead to the work of spoilage bacteria and produce peculiar smell.

4. Temperature. The initial temperature should be above 15 ℃ (it can be operated in four seasons and is not affected by seasons. It should be fermented indoors or in Greenhouse in winter), and the fermentation temperature should be controlled below 70-75 ℃.

More detailed info, go to

Monday 23 August 2021

How to operate compost turner easily?

The dumper is the key equipment in the biological fertilizer project, which is helpful for the fermentation part.

Dumpers promote agricultural development. In the process of fertilizer compost manufacturing, when the machine needs to turn over, it is often because everyone wants to save time or forgets the basic safety of the most basic car dumper. Rollover in strict accordance with requirements to ensure safe production. The key points of lathe processing are:

1. Cease fire is prohibited when troubleshooting. Some operators find that the tractor or supporting machine fails during operation. For convenience, when the engine is off, the engine does not stop, which is easy to cause safety accidents.

2. It is forbidden to cut off the power of working machinery when the tractor is transferred. When the tractor is transferred in the field, it does not cut off the power supply. When passing through the field, small ditch or small ditch, it is easy to cause damage or injury to the ditcher, tiller blade, harvester cutter and planter ditcher. Other obstacles.

3. Do not cover the water tank. Since the water tank is often opened, the water tank cover must be closed after adding cooling water. Many operators open the water tank cover to save water removal and cooling time. In this way, it is easy to cause a large number of crop leaves and dust to enter the oil tank. With the cooling water flowing through the water pump to the engine body and cylinder head, it will directly affect the heat dissipation and cause the engine to overheat

4. Do not wet the radiator with water. When many operators drain water into the water tank, they first pour a bucket of water into the water tank cover to reduce the temperature and wet the radiator. When adding water, the overflow water flows to the radiator. I didn't know it would only add weight. The air duct between radiators is small and easy to be blocked by sundries and dust. After adding water, the dust is more likely to stick to the radiator, and the area of the air channel is rapidly reduced or blocked. The cooling effect is reduced, which shortens the time to open the water tank and affects the operation.

More different types of compost turners for sale, go to

Sunday 22 August 2021

Comster Used in Animal Farm Manure Disposal

Why is the compost tuner used for farm composting? This is a question that many friends who see the fermenter for the first time will have. The reason why there is such a doubt is that we have been using the traditional manure composting fermentation method for many years. Most of them find a place where the feces are not in the way, or dig a pit and put it in the pit. They don't know. This treatment method is difficult to achieve complete fermentation of feces, and the application of incomplete fermentation feces will cause great damage to crops.

The reasons why the farm uses the dumper in the biological fertilizer project are as follows:

1. Help oxygen enter

That is, the ventilation and composting fermentation method we often say is aerobic fermentation. The aerobic fermentation process requires a lot of oxygen. After a period of natural fermentation, the oxygen in the pile will gradually decrease, slowing down the fermentation speed. With the upender, the oxygen in the compost can be fully ventilated during the upending process.

2. Reduce the temperature

For traditional fertilizers, when the shovel is turned every other time, white smoke will be found. This white smoke is water vapor, which takes away heat during evaporation, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling. In the process of manure composting, reasonable temperature control is an important technical index. If the temperature is too high, it will kill the nutrients in the organic raw materials. Using the turnover machine, the accumulated compost can be evenly stirred inside and outside, so as to evaporate a large amount of water in the compost, so as to effectively control the temperature in the compost.

More types of compost machines for manure composting, go to

3. Promote the fermentation process

Beneficial fermentation bacteria are in uniform and full contact with fermentation materials to promote the fermentation process.

4. Greatly improve work efficiency

The normal manual stacking speed of 2 days can be turned over by using the trough throwing machine for more than two hours. Uniformity is much better than manual operation.

After a series of treatment, the feces can not only complete fermentation, but also shorten the feces from 2-3 months of traditional composting fermentation to only 15 days, which greatly improves the feces treatment efficiency. Fermentation and processing capacity, so that the original fecal waste can be reused as high-efficiency organic fertilizer.

Friday 20 August 2021

Fermentation Equipment for Composting

The position of fermentation equipment in the bio fertilizer project is very high. The quality of organic fertilizer largely depends on the fermentation process. Organic fertilizer fermentation equipment is very important in the whole production process. The heating time of organic fertilizer equipment in organic fertilizer fermentation refers to the composting process. In the early stage, the temperature of composting gradually increased from ambient temperature to 45 ° C. Microorganisms are mainly thermophilic microorganisms.

When organic fertilizer is fermented at high temperature, the temperature rises to more than 45 ℃ and enters the high temperature period. At this time, thermophilic microorganisms are squeezed and even die, while thermophilic microorganisms rise to be dominant microorganisms. Before granulation, the organic fertilizer granulator continues to oxidize and differentiate compost and newly formed soluble organic matter, and disordered organic matters such as hemicellulose and protein also begin to differentiate strongly.

In short, the stacker is very important and indispensable in the bio organic fertilizer production line. Let's take a look at the characteristics of some chain plate lathes:

1. It adopts chain drive and rolling support plate structure, with small turning resistance and energy saving. It is suitable for deep groove operation.

2. The turnover tray is equipped with flexible tensioning and elastic damping system to effectively protect the driving system and working parts.

3. The tumbling tray is equipped with 390 removable wear-resistant machetes with strong crushing capacity and good oxygenation effect.

4. When turning over, the materials stay on the tray for a long time, are scattered at a high position, are in full contact with the air, and are easy to reduce humidity.

5. The turnover operation at any position in the groove can be realized through horizontal and vertical displacement, which is flexible.

6. The lifting of working parts is controlled by hydraulic system, which is flexible and safe.

7. It can remotely control the machine forward, traverse, overturn and fast backward to improve the operating environment.

8. It can be equipped with trough distributor, automatic discharge device, solar fermentation room and ventilation and aeration system.

9. Equipped with slot shifting machine for slot changing, multi slot operation of lathe can be realized and investment can be saved.

More types of machines for composting, go to

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Fertilizer Drying Process in Granulation Plant

The dryer of organic fertilizer production process equipment is mainly used for drying organic fertilizer in the production line. In fertilizer processing, the dryer uses the dryer and hot blast stove for heat circulation heat exchange, which can quickly realize material drying, drying cooling and coating, and can directly package organic fertilizer. The dryer can not only remove the water in the organic fertilizer, but also sterilize and deodorize to avoid the deterioration of the organic fertilizer during storage and transportation. This is also one of the important process steps in the production of organic fertilizer.

1. Safe, some dust and some organic fertilizer raw materials will be produced in the process of organic fertilizer processing. After decomposition of organic fertilizer, some residues are flammable, explosive and easy to oxidize. Therefore, safety should be considered when selecting heat source. When using direct combustion source, flame retardant or explosion-proof measures shall be taken.

2. Stability, ensure the drying quality of the organic fertilizer dryer, and then analyze the heating temperature and purity of the heat source of the dryer to ensure that the heat source can easily meet the quality of dried materials and dried materials, so as to achieve the stability of the operation of the organic fertilizer dryer.

3. Environmental protection and reduce environmental protection expenditure in the process of organic fertilizer processing. When burning materials, it will produce pungent smell and emit toxic gases that pollute the environment. In order to reduce emissions, it is necessary to increase the investment of dust removal equipment. Therefore, environmental protection heat source is also to reduce the investment of environmental protection equipment.

4. Easy to collect, need to consider the convenience of the source. In order to reduce the cost of heat source, the heat source used is disorderly, which is easy to damage the drying stability of dryer equipment and heat source.

5. The dryer of organic fertilizer production equipment affects the utilization of heat source in the process of fertilizer manufacturing. Therefore, when selecting the heat source, we should select the appropriate heat source to avoid unnecessary waste and avoid blind thrift.

It can be seen from the above aspects that the selection of heat source in the drying process of dryer of organic fertilizer production equipment should comprehensively consider safety, drying cleanliness, drying stability, environmental protection and different quality of raw materials and finished products. As long as the above conditions can be fully considered, the appropriate heat source of organic fertilizer dryer can be selected, so as to realize environmental protection from the heat source, save raw materials, reduce costs, improve the drying effect of organic fertilizer and improve product quality.

More detailed info, go to

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Organic Materials Fermentation Method for Fertilizer Production

In the process of organic fertilizer production, the first step is to ferment the raw materials. This is a key step affecting the quality of organic fertilizer and is of great significance to the development of sustainable agriculture. Generally speaking, fermentation has the following common ways.

1. Trough aerobic fermentation: This is the most effective method to treat pig manure at present. It is also suitable for commercial production of pig manure organic fertilizer and is conducive to standardized production. It uses biological characteristics combined with mechanized technology to completely decompose pig manure with natural microorganisms or inoculated microorganisms, and convert organic matter into organic matter, carbon dioxide and water. This method has short fermentation time, and pig manure can be completely fermented and decomposed in about 15 days. It is easy to realize industrialized production, not affected by weather and seasons, and has little pollution to the environment, which is conducive to the commercial production of pig manure organic fertilizer. According to different equipment, the width of fermentation tank is generally 3-20m, the depth is generally 0.8-1.5m and the length is 50-100m. It can be designed according to the actual situation.

2. Strip composting is to grow the raw material mixture into piles or strips, stack them regularly by manual or dumper, ventilate naturally, maintain the aerobic state in the pile and decompose under aerobic conditions. The cross section of the crucible can be trapezoidal, irregular quadrilateral or triangular. Strip compost fermentation is to lay the materials in rows and stack them in the open air or under the scaffold. Each row of materials is 2-3m wide and 1-1.5m high. The length shall be determined according to the actual situation. Ventilation ducts can be installed under the material pile. There may also be no ventilation. The characteristic of strip composting treatment of pig manure is that the materials can be placed close to the farmland, which can save special plants, but the treatment time is relatively long. If the outdoor mode is used, it will be affected by the weather and season.

3. Closed high temperature fermentation. The livestock manure organic fertilizer equipment can transport up to 80% of the manure moisture to the fermentation drum through the conveyor belt. After high-temperature and aerobic fermentation, about 30% of the moisture can be safely stored. The whole process is completed in the fermentation tank without odor pollution, so as to reduce the environmental pollution in the drying process and meet the national environmental protection standard.

We are a fertilizer mechanism manufacturer of organic fertilizer production process dumper. Welcome to inquire.

Saturday 14 August 2021

Compost Turner for Organic Fertilizer Production

The most common dumpers in organic fertilizer plants are trough dumpers and crawler dumpers. Crawler dumpers are most used in the manufacturing process of organic fertilizer, which are safe, stable and efficient.

The self-propelled track turnover machine adopts crawler walking design, which can move forward, backward and turn, and can be controlled by one person. During driving, the whole vehicle rides on the long strip-shaped fertilizer stacked in advance, turns, fluffy and moves the organic fertilizer raw materials through the rotating cutter installed under the machine, and forms a new strip-shaped stack behind the vehicle. Yes. Work can be carried out in open spaces and workshops. The breakthrough of organic fertilizer dumper is the integration of crushing function in the later stage of material fermentation. With the gradual dehydration of materials, the knife with crushing device can effectively crush the plates formed in the fermentation process of fertilizer, which not only saves the crusher, but also greatly improves the crushing efficiency and reduces the cost. At the same time, the fermentation speed and fermentation quality were also improved.

1. The advanced fermentation process adopts microbial aerobic fermentation and is designed according to the principle of aerobic fermentation, so that the fermentation bacteria can give full play to their functions.

2. It is more suitable for the mechanism and process requirements of microbial fermentation of poultry manure, and can effectively mix viscous poultry manure with microbial agents and straw powder. It creates a better aerobic environment for material fermentation. Under the characteristics of loose materials, cow dung can be maintained at 60-70 degrees for 3-4 days.

3. The utility model has the advantages of balanced power, low energy consumption and large output, and reduces the production cost of organic fertilizer. According to the calculation of the technical parameters of the machine, the small machine can mix 500-700 cubic meters of fresh feces per hour

(equivalent to the workload of 100 people without fatigue). The total number of employees in the whole plant is 4 or 5, which makes the finished fertilizer have obvious price advantages.

More details, welcome go to

Thursday 29 July 2021

Compost Turner Working Process

Crawler type ground turning fermentation mode is an organic fertilizer production mode that saves civil engineering and human resources. The material needs to grow into shape, the material is stirred and crushed by the turnover machine, and the organic matter is decomposed under aerobic conditions.

 It has the crushing function, which greatly saves time and labor, significantly improves the production efficiency and product quality of the organic fertilizer plant, and greatly reduces the cost. The dumper can effectively mix sludge, viscous chicken manure and other materials with bacteria and straw powder to create a better aerobic environment for material fermentation.

 It is not only faster than deep tank fermentation, but also can effectively prevent the generation of harmful odor gases such as hydrogen sulfide, amine gas and antimony in the fermentation process, which meets the requirements of environmental protection.

Compost dumper is a machine that produces poultry manure, agricultural waste, sugar mud, sludge, domestic waste and other pollutants, and makes green and environment-friendly bio organic fertilizer through the principle of oxygen consumption fermentation.

It can be heated in one day, deodorized and sterilized in 3-5 days (it can kill insect eggs in feces, etc.), and fertilized in 7 days, which is faster and more efficient than other mechanical fermentation methods. Automatic sprinkler and other auxiliary facilities can be added according to customer requirements.

The dumper is a large dumper. Full hydraulic operation system, lever steering wheel operation, crawler walking, stacking width up to 3m and height up to 1.5m. Model 3000 soil dumper is a large soil dumper among compost soil dumpers. It can also be seen from the appearance that it has obvious advantages, strong rotation capacity and large output.

 It is suitable for large-scale organic fertilizer plants. Our wf-fd3000 crawler gyrator is durable, powerful and advanced technology. More importantly, it has large output and strong throwing ability. It's called a fighter in a flipper. 

Walking on the track, hydraulic drum lifting, high degree of automation, simple and easy to master. A lot of organic materials are stacked together. Using the equipment, you can not only easily turn over, but also break the large blocks in the material.

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Why use fermented animal manure?

We know that the raw materials for the production of organic fertilizer, such as human and animal manure and straw, can not be directly utilized, but why? Here are some reasons.

One is the high temperature produced by water fermentation, which is easy to burn roots and seedlings. Secondly, microorganisms participate in fermentation and a large number of activities, consuming oxygen, resulting in soil hypoxia, which will lead to the death of crops with weak growth. Third, faeces in the fermentation process will produce odor, attract maggots, destroy crop growth, odor will pollute the environment. 

Fourth, feces contain a large amount of uric acid, which will inhibit the growth of seedlings if it is directly contacted with seedlings without decomposition. Fifthly, there is no rotten manure fermentation in the soil, competing for the original nitrogen nutrients in the soil, resulting in the instantaneous lack of nitrogen in the soil microenvironment, affecting the growth of seedlings. Therefore, it is necessary to apply fully decomposed organic fertilizer to ensure the good growth and development of crops.

Most organic fertilizers rich in organic matter lag behind in their nutrient forms. Crops cannot be directly absorbed and utilized. If the non rotting bio organic fertilizer is applied to the soil, it will not only have poor fertilizer efficiency in the current season, but also breed weeds, spread pathogens and insect eggs due to slow decomposition. Therefore, in agricultural production, the accumulation method usually uses compost before application

Ripening can also release nutrients in farmyard manure, improve fertilizer efficiency, and avoid some adverse factors of crops when fertilizer matures in soil. Such as competing with seedlings for water, nutrients or burning seedlings due to local high temperature and high ammonia concentration. Therefore, only the decomposed bio organic fertilizer can significantly improve soil properties.

The maturity of organic fertilizer is caused by the activity of microorganism, which makes the organic fertilizer change in two aspects. On the one hand, the decomposition of organic matter increases the available nutrients in fertilizer; On the other hand, the organic matter in the fertilizer becomes hard and soft, and the texture becomes even and uneven. Most of the weed seeds, pathogens and insect eggs are killed in the process of decay, so they are more in line with the requirements of fertilizer. Agriculture and production.

We have fermentation dumper, organic fertilizer production line from sx compost machinery, crusher, mixer, granulator.